Table Of Contents:
- 1. About uterine abnormalities
- 2. Congenital uterine anomalies
- 3. can congenital uterine anomalies affect pregnancy?
- 4. Causes of Müllerian Duct Anomalies
- 5. Classification of uterine anomalies
- 6 . Symptoms of congenital uterine anomalies
- 7. What are uterine fibroids?
- 8. What are uterine scars?
- 9. Diagnosis uterine abnormalities
- 10. Treat congenital uterine anomalies
- 11. Things to consider
Although invisible and sometimes not recognized, the uterus tends to play a rather important role in your life. And 'where your baby grows and gets the protection and nourishment necessary until he is ready to emerge in the world. And, it becomes important for you to learn as much as you can about uterine abnormalities and how they can hinder your maternity prospects. It is because they understand the different types of uterine abnormalities will help you understand your situation and make a decision informed medical intervention if it's a choice.
Facts About Uterine Anomalies:
Strange as it may seem, uterine abnormalities are not uncommon. So, it is vital to understand a few things about these abnormalities.
abnormalitiesUterine not show many signs or symptoms. Remember, your uterus has a role only if you get pregnant or are trying to conceive. So, until the moment, you can not understand that you have a uterine abnormality. Of course, you may feel pain or irregularities in the menstrual cycle before the fault is in the light, but you ignore these instances as normal menstrual discomfort and carry on with life. You will never be associated with uterine pain and irregularity abnormalities.
Many uterine abnormalities can also cause no complications with the pregnancy. For example, fibroids are the most common uterine problems. In many pregnancies, fibroids do not harm the growing fetus or create complications during pregnancy unsolvable.
Some uterine abnormalities can cause miscarriages or preterm births. A doctor can analyze these anomalies only when you are trying to actively conceiving, or fall pregnant. This is the reason of the prevention and precautionary measures rarely become solutions for uterine conditions.
Some uterine abnormalities present conditions that need medical intervention to increase the chances of having a healthy, uncomplicated pregnancy.
What are congenital uterine anomalies?
congenital uterine anomalies are rare, but occur. Less than 5% of women have congenital uterine anomalies [1]. A congenital condition is usually present at birth. So if you have a congenital abnormality of the uterus, it means that they were born with the defect. Usually, your uterus grows while you are growing in the womb as two sections. These two parts come together before the birth.
fascinating uterus congenital anomalies are anomalies of Müller duct. Between the 6th and 11th week of pregnancy, the Müllerian ducts fuse to form the fallopian tubes, uterus, proximal two thirds of the vagina, cervix in a female fetus [2]. Sometimes this merger does not occur properly, leading to defects in the internal reproductive organs. Usually, these abnormalities are related to the processing of the ovaries, or external genitalia. In most cases, the abnormalities become evident with the onset of puberty. Before puberty, the anomalies of the internal reproductive organs are not visible or obvious. Usually, Gynecologists diagnose the problem after a young woman approaches them for menstrual disorders.
congenital uterine abnormalities may affect pregnancy?
If the uterine defect will cause problems related to pregnancy or not depends mainly on the type of abnormality. In most cases, women with uterine abnormalities can conceive naturally, and do not even realize that they have a defective uterus. These abnormalities may be able to determine if the pregnancy continues to term or woman will have a miscarriage.
Remember uterus is another name for the breast. So it goes without asking that any uterine defect will have a profound effect on your pregnancy. However, there are also some uterine conditions that may not have a significant impact, and if you have one of these conditions, you may still be able to provide a healthy child, with or without medical intervention. This said it is more common for a pregnancy to develop problems in case of uterine abnormalities, or the following problems can also worsen because of defects:
1. Premature birth:
The majority of uterine conditions can cause premature labor. Premature birth is when the delivery occurs too early, before 37 weeks of pregnancy. preterm births pose health risks for the baby as his immunity is not fully developed to survive outside the womb. Also, in some children, the lung development can not be complete. If you have a preterm baby due to a defect of the uterus-related, requiring specialized neonatal care until the neonatologist we see fit.
2. Birth Defects:
birth defect in newborns is another common result of uterine abnormalities. This can lead to various types of defects that could cause general health problems or development of the child. Sometimes, these defects affect the physical or psychological development of the unborn child baby.
3. Slow fetal growth:
uterine abnormalities can cause the baby to slowly developing inside the womb as well as after birth. Some of the most common developmental problems with children occur when a woman has a uterine defect. Due to an abnormal uterus, the baby can not get the nutrients it needs for optimal growth.
4. Breech Position:
uterine abnormalities can cause the child to get in the breech position in the womb. This position is when the bottom or your baby's feet are turned down for a head. Such pregnancies have no significant impact on the viability of the fetus, but can request a planned caesarean. Also, sometimes, these pregnancies could not reach full term.
5. Miscarriage:
abortions are the most common result of uterine abnormalities. Most women with uterine anomalies meet one or more miscarriages. As a matter of fact, it is often after a miscarriage that some of these uterine abnormalities become significantly visible as they can have no symptoms before pregnancy and subsequent miscarriage [3].
Causes of Müllerian Duct anomalies:
of Mullerian duct anomalies are congenital anomalies. So if you have it, in all probability they were born with the defect. As stated earlier, these defects affect the uterus, vagina, cervix, and fallopian tubes, and as a result, you may find it difficult to conceive and have a healthy and normal pregnancy. To understand what causes these complications, it is first important to have knowledge of normal development of the embryo Müllerian tract
Embryology :.
When the human embryo develops into a fetus, form two sections side by side. These traits are known as the Wolff (mesonephric) and streets (paramesonephric) Müllerian. I (mesonephric) ducts of Wolff go to form the prostate, seminal vesicles and vas deferens if it is a male embryo. This persists female tract in the embryo, but in either remains non-functional or is wasted due to the lack of testosterone, the male hormone.
At about 8-10 weeks of gestation, the embryo secretes male also an anti - Müllerian hormone (AMH), which inhibits the growth of the Müllerian tract (paramesonephric). Just as the female embryo can still have the stretch of Wolff as non-functional, the male fetus may still have the Müllerian duct in a non-functional, or is formed in a homologous non-functioning uterus.
In a female embryo, there is no production of AMH. The Müllerian ducts develop into normal female reproductive system, and in general the stretch of Wolff dissolves. However, if the problem Wolff tract long enough to form some sort of a female embryo model, reported uterus or kidney complications will develop in the female fetus.
In the case of normal development of the female reproductive organs, a portion of the Müllerian duct continues to fuse and form the primordium uterovaginal, a tube in the form of Y. Also known as MSRP, the caudal part of the tube-shaped portion top of the vagina, cervix and uterine fundus while the portion cephalic form fallopian tubes. When there is an interruption lesser or greater in this process, uterine abnormalities tend to develop. This is typically when the Müllerian ducts do not blend completely
Classification Of Uterine Anomalies :.
Usually, Müllerian duct fusion takes place seamlessly and symmetrically. This may not always be the case for environmental and genetic reasons, and various leads or uterine abnormalities. The problem here is that most of these abnormalities do not show any signs or symptoms until the woman tries to conceive. This is why there is a lot of debate about their classification.
Although there is no universal classification of Müller duct abnormalities, the most widely accepted classification is by the American Fertility Society. This classification is as follows:
Category 1 - agenesis and hypoplasia:
This category covers agenesis of uterine abnormality of the various parts of the uterus, cervix, and fallopian tubes. Most women who suffer from type 1 agenesis or extreme hypoplasia may suffer from severe related fertility problems, but they can still have relatively normal hormonal cycles. Some women with this agenesis or hypoplasia have a condition called infantile uterus. This condition occurs because of hypopituitarism problems and is related to the Müllerian duct. Therefore, doctors can treat with the help of gonadotropins and Menotropins that help induce ovulation.
agenesis occurs when the vagina is not shaped properly or is too short. In addition, the uterus can be very small or may be completely missing. The condition becomes a problem when the woman goes well beyond its puberty, but starts her menstrual cycles. Women with this rare condition can have children only through surrogacy
Category 2 - uterus unicornis :.
Category 2 uterine anomaly offers with unicornis uterus and can be with or without Anlage. If this anomaly is no anlage, it is most likely a result of degeneration or complete failure of the Müllerian duct. On the other hand, if anlage is present, the uterus is able to support the pregnancy, but only for about 20 weeks. After this stage, the uterus tends to break. Doctors may recommend a half-hysterectomy to prevent this from happening.
Typically, a unicorn uterus is quite a rare condition, limited to around 5% of the total of uterine abnormalities. This condition, however, sees the maximum of pregnancy wastage. The majority of women with a uterus Unicorn also have renal defect. A unicorn uterus is half the size of a normal uterus. The condition is also known as a uterine horn because of its form
Category 3 - Uterus didelphys :.
Category 3 uterine abnormalities occur in about 1 in 2,000 women. Also in this case it is a rare condition, and occurs due to a duplication of the Müllerian tract. And 'wise to remember that a true duplication, with two separate vaginas, cervices, and uterine Fundi, is a rare condition. Typically, this condition occurs as a top to bottom split Müllerian duct. Women with this type of uterine anomaly almost always have a kidney anomaly too.
The rarest and also the most problematic, didelphys uterus can cause miscarriages and breech babies. Because there is a second womb, there is an increased chance of mother carrying twins if she becomes pregnant with this abnormality. If this happens and the pregnancy is viable, the twins are completely separate, developing individually in different hemi uterus. These twins can be born hours, days or even weeks away
Category 4 - bicorne Uterus :.
The category 4 bicornis uterus is a more common uterine defect. As category 2 and 3 anomalies, this uterine anomaly is also the result of the Müllerian duct not correctly merge to form a unified uterus. This anomaly is further classified as bicollis - two cervices, or unicollis -. One cervix
While it is a uterine anomaly, the two-horned uterus poses no related fertility problems. Women with this anomaly, however, commonly have breech babies. In addition, there is an increased risk of miscarriage in women who conceive with the two-horned uterus
Category 5 - set Uterus :.
The category 5 uterine anomaly, the septum uterus, is the result of a correct fusion of the Mullerian ducts, but resoprtion defective. The internal partition which separates the two sections mullerian not dissolve partially or completely. This septal midline lacking Bcl-2 protein that protects other parts of uterus. If the septum exists whole or in part, the maximum septate uterus poses problems related to pregnancy, with fully septate uteri show that about 0% of the waste pregnancy. Treatment, however, is possible by a simple endoscopic septal lysis
Category 6 - Arcuate Uterus :.
Known as arcuate uterus or uterus arcuatus, this type of uterine anomaly is typically nothing to be too concerned. In fact, an arcuate uterus is merely a slight variation of a normal uterus. The uterus has a slight appearance in a heart shape, and this happens when the traits Müllerian fail to melt or have a dysfunctional septum, but to a small degree
Category 7 - T-Shaped Uterus :.
T-shaped uterus in female infants is the result of the mother consuming diethylstilbestrol (DES) to eliminate the risk of miscarriage. Studies indicate that approximately 69% of the female offspring of women who consumed DES during pregnancy developed abnormal uterine cavities have a T-shape with or without dilated horns. The uterus in these cases tends to be hypoplastic and prone to cervical incompetence. This results in medium-term loss of the fetus. These female babies are also susceptible to other histological abnormalities and are more prone to cervical or vaginal cancer at an early age.
Only about 34% of pregnancies in utero DES going forward, and about 38% of pregnancies end in a miscarriage. Ectopic pregnancies are also common in utero DES [4]
symptoms of congenital uterine anomalies :.
congenital uterine anomalies are present at birth, but rarely show any signs or symptoms. Some women may experience pain during their menstrual period, but that is not always an indication of a congenital defect in utero. The majority of these abnormalities came to prominence only after pregnancy loss problems and infertility applicants.
What are uterine fibroids?
Fibroids are a common uterine anomaly. These are benign growths of muscle tissue on the inner walls of the uterus. Benign means non-cancerous and usually harmless. Unlike the Müllerian duct abnormalities that are present at birth, fibroids occur later in life.
In most cases, these growths are relatively small and can not represent any complication of pregnancy or any other complication. However, if you have large fibroids then you may be at risk of developing some complications, which are as follows:
- The fibroids can cause infertility problems
- one of the most common consequences of fibroids is preterm birth. If work begins before the 37th week of gestation, preterm labor is
- The fibroids can cause your baby to go in a breech position. This may require a Cesarean section to give your and your child's safety
- Placental abruption is a serious condition that can result due to fibroids. When you have placental abruption, the placenta separates from the uterine wall before birth, and this affects the growth and development of the fetus as it does not receive nourishment
- abortions are common in women who have large fibroids
- There is also a risk of heavy bleeding after childbirth [5]
symptoms of uterine fibroids:
When you have fibroids, there might be some signs and symptoms that you would experience. Keep an eye out for the following:
- heavy menstrual bleeding
- Anaemia
- persistent pain in your abdomen
- The pain during and after sexual intercourse
- pain during urination and frequent urination
- pain in the lower back
- pain in the back of the legs
- a big stomach that may come across as a woman to be pregnant or who gained too much weight
- pressure in the lower abdomen [6]
treatment of fibroids typically involves giving painkillers to help alleviate the pain in the abdomen or back. However, if the fibroids are large enough to cause problems with the pregnancy, your doctor may recommend surgical removal of fibroids through a myomectomy.
What are uterine scars?
also known Asherman's syndrome, uterine scars are scars or scar tissues that line the uterus walls. These scar tissues damage the endometrial lining of the uterus. They develop because of an infection in the uterus or surgery such as dilation and curettage (D & C).
uterine scars may or may not obvious symptoms, but can lead to problems related to pregnancy, such as infertility, repeated miscarriages, and premature birth. The good news is this is a uterine abnormality that a doctor can treat. This is because the uterine scars are acquired and not congenital in nature. Hysteroscopy can help remove scar tissue from your uterus and make sure to enjoy the joys of motherhood.
How are uterine abnormalities diagnosed?
The majority of uterine abnormalities do not show significant signs or symptoms. And 'only when a woman with these anomalies trying to conceive or suffer from pregnancy complications that doctors diagnose. The following procedures help in the diagnosis of
uterine abnormalities:1. Vaginal ultrasound:
A vaginal ultrasound is an ultrasound interior that uses sound waves to capture images of the vagina and other parts uterus. To accurately diagnose uterine defects, a vaginal ultrasound is crucial as abdominal ultrasound above the belly does not clearly identify the status of your womb.
2. Hysterosalpingogram:
This test requires the insertion of a dye in your cervix. After that, the doctor will take an X-ray. It allows the physician diagnosis to evaluate your uterine tubes, cervix, and fallopian tubes. A doctor performs this test only if you are not pregnant.
3. Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI):
This test uses large amounts of magnetic and radio waves to evaluate the uterus. Many health professionals believe that MRI is the most accurate way to detect a majority of uterine abnormalities. Again, your doctor will do an MRI only if you are not pregnant.
4. Sonohysterogram:
If normal ultrasound does not provide sharp images of your uterus or the results are inconclusive, the doctor may suggest sonohysterogram. For this test, the sonographer will place the salt water into the uterus through the cervix. After that, it will use ultrasound to obtain images of your uterus. Doctors perform this test only to women who are not pregnant
treatment for congenital uterine anomalies :.
Unfortunately, there are no surgical procedures for the treatment of congenital uterine anomalies. However, the treatment protocol often depends on the reproductive history of women. It would not be wrong to say that in most cases, the treatment is specific case.
Among the different types of congenital uterine anomalies, the septum uterus can still be treated with surgery, but there are no surgical options for other defects, including two-horned unicorn, and wombs didelphic
things to consider :.
The treatment for congenital uterine abnormalities is not always possible. While there are several treatment options, these do not apply to all types of uterine abnormalities. In some cases, the treatment methods may involve additional risks. For example, if your doctor has to remove the septum surgically in the case of a septum uterus, the endometrium of the uterus can get affected, and this can also have a negative impact on a woman's fertility.
So if there is a treatment for your uterine anomaly, weigh the risks and benefits before opting for it. Talk to your doctor and also use the Internet to educate yourself so you can make an informed decision.
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