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Polycystic Ovary syndrome is a common problem among women of childbearing age. It can also happen to children of 11 years. Nearly 5 million women in the US are suffering from polycystic ovaries. Research has yet to find the exact cause behind polycystic ovaries. PCO can throw a wrench in your attempts to get pregnant. However, you can get pregnant even if you have polycystic ovaries. Since, polycystic ovary can be prevented by changes in lifestyle and can be treated with drugs. So it is not a solution and hope for those who suffer from PCOS.
You must have a lot of questions buzzing around in your mind and can not find the answer you are looking for. The first question that comes to mind is why polycystic ovary actually happen.
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The causes of PCOS :.
Some genetic factors are behind polycystic ovaries. If the mother had polycystic ovaries there are high chances that you will have polycystic ovaries also. The underlying factor behind PCOS is a hormone imbalance. Women with polycystic ovaries produce excessive amounts of androgens, or male human hormones that interfere with the release of an egg during ovulation process.
Some the researchers say that insulin is linked to polycystic ovary syndrome. The hormone insulin helps to convert sugar and starches and other foods into energy for the body to store. If the body can not use the amount of insulin secreted or if there is no longer insulin secretion then the female body begins to produce androgens. High levels of androgens can trigger:
- Acne
- facial hair growth
- Weight gain
- ovulation disorders
However, the exact reason behind PCOS are unknown and more study needs to shed some 'light in this area to make the treatment possible.
What is PCOS?
Dr. Jesse Hade, medical director at Neway Fertility in New York says Fox News: "PCOS is an endocrine disorder in which women do not ovulate on a regular basis. It is usually characterized by having smaller follicles in the ovaries that appear on ultrasound, or have irregular periods, along with high male hormone levels, or high levels of androgens. "
If you are overweight or obese, it might be difficult for you to conceive. This is because of being overweight or obese increases the risk of developing PCOS, or polycystic ovary syndrome. This is a condition that is associated with the reproductive system and makes it difficult for you to get a pregnancy.
While doctors are still uncertain about the exact causes of PCOS, they know that the condition develops due to high insulin levels, which, in turn, causes the ovaries to produce more than normal amounts of androgens, which are male hormones
How PCOS affect the menstrual cycle and fertility :.
The ovary is composed of tiny fluid filled sacs called follicles or cysts. As the eggs develop there is accumulation of fluid within the follicles. Once the mature egg breaking open of the follicle and the egg is released. The egg travels down the fallopian tubes and then reaches the uterus for the fertilized egg. This is the normal ovulation process.
In women with PCOS, the reproductive system does not produce hormones necessary for the egg to mature. The follicles start to grow and the fluid builds up but the ovulation does not occur. As a result some follicles remain as cysts in the ovaries. Since ovulation does not occur progesterone is produced and no progesterone the menstrual cycle becomes irregular or completely absent. Ovaries also make male hormones, or androgens, which interrupts the normal period of ovulation.
not PCOS change at menopause?
PCOS affect other body systems. Although there are hormonal changes and changes in ovarian function as women near menopause, but the symptoms persist. There are an overgrowth of hair in her face, chest, back and abdomen. thinning hair and the continuous male pattern baldness during menopause and, sometimes worse.
PCOS can also cause other health complications such as diabetes, heart attacks and strokes.
What It increases the risk of PCOS?
It 'hard to avoid PCO if it's in your genes. One can not help if your family history is responsible for PCOS. In addition to this, if you have diabetes, they are obese and have irregular menstrual cycle there is an increased risk of polycystic ovary syndrome.
Even have a seizure medication called Depakote as valproate can cause polycystic ovary syndrome.
complications associated with polycystic ovary syndrome:
If PCOS is not treated at the right time, then it can cause complications such as:
- type 2 diabetes
- high blood pressure
- Cholesterol and lipid abnormalities. Elevated triglycerides and high-density lipoprotein or HDL cholesterol low. This cause cardiovascular problem
- d Elevate levels of C - reactive protein, which is an indicator of cardiovascular disease
- metabolic syndrome which also cause cardiovascular problems
- NASH :. . This is an acute inflammation of the liver due to accumulation of excess fat.
- Sleep Apnea
- abnormal uterine bleeding
- cancer of the lining of the uterus, it is called endometrial cancer. This is caused by overexposure to high levels of estrogen
- Gestational diabetes, or pregnancy-induced high blood pressure
- ectopic pregnancy :. Women with PCOS have a risk of developing an ectopic pregnancy and other complications at birth. Ectopic pregnancy occurs when the embryo implants in the fallopian tube instead of the uterus. This can cause the fallopian tube to burst and even cause miscarriage. Ectopic pregnancy is dangerous for both the mother and the child
PCOS and obesity :.
Those women who are suffering from PCO generally have diabetes too. This is because when the secreted insulin in the body can not convert sugar and starches into energy then there is an increase in blood sugar levels, causing diabetes. PCO create a domino effect.
Since high levels of androgens triggered by insulin causes abnormal hair growth, acne and weight gain. Because the increase in weight is activated by androgens fat tends to accumulate in the abdomen. Abdominal fat is very dangerous as it increases the risk of heart disease. Even the increase in abdominal fat changes the balance and women who suffer from PCOS have a pear-shaped body structure. Pear-shaped structure means that the fat is accumulated at the waist and below the hips.
Actually PCO can change the way you look, but take heart can be cured. You need to make lifestyle changes, as you need to become active and exercise more regularly. Even quitting alcohol and smoking to curb weight
PCOS and pregnancy :.
The body of a healthy woman produces a certain amount of male hormones, but when the levels of these hormones increase, interfere with the normal playback functions, among which the menstrual cycle and ovulation. As a result, it becomes difficult for the woman to get pregnant.
That said, there are chances of getting pregnant with polycystic ovaries provided that there is a regular menstrual cycle and ovulation.
Symptoms and signs of PCOS:
There are many signs of PCOS and the symptoms can be mild or severe. Some of the signs are as follows :.
- irregular or absent periods
- Heavy bleeding from the vagina
- Under normal circumstances, two weeks after ovulation, the ovaries produce progesterone. Subsequently, progesterone levels fall and the lining of the uterus sheds, resulting in menstrual periods. If you do not ovulation, the lining of the uterus becomes thick, a condition known as hyperplasia, and you can get very heavy and prolonged bleeding as a result.
- The oily / acne
- Dimming / skin thickening in some areas, especially in the folds of your groin, armpits and neck
- excessive hair growth on the thighs, abdomen , chest and face
- type 2 diabetes
- obesity
- thinning hair on the top of the head
- High levels of cholesterol
- cardiovascular problems
- Large number of cysts on the ovaries, which will be visible during ultrasound
the diagnosis of polycystic ovary syndrome:
How do you understand that you have PCOS? Accurate diagnosis of PCOS is essential, and earlier the better. Based on the diagnosis the treatment of polycystic ovary occurs. . If you are confirmed with PCOS do not lose faith in that there is a solution
The methods to detect polycystic ovarian syndrome are:
- History:
the doctor will ask you about the model of your menstrual cycle, and if you are facing any of the symptoms such as excessive bleeding from the vagina, cramping in the lower abdomen, l ' acne and hair loss or thinning hair. Observe the changes in your body carefully and give accurate answers to all your questions
- Physical examination :.
The physician measures the blood pressure, body mass index (BMI) and waist size. He also will be performed on the abnormal hair growth areas
- pelvic exam :.
The doctor will check whether your ovaries are swollen with the small number of cysts. He will check that there is an increase in the number of cysts
- Blood Test :.
Through the blood tests the doctor will check the levels of androgen or hormone levels and glucose in the male blood
- vaginal ultrasound (Sonogram) :.
This test is done by using sound waves to capture images of the pelvic area. This photo help detect if there are cysts in the ovaries, and if the walls of your uterus has thickened. The walls of the uterus thickens when you do not have a regular menstrual cycle, this condition is called endometriosis
PCOS and pregnancy -. PCOS treatment to conceive of
The best way to treat PCOS if you want to conceive is to lose weight. You should eat healthy and to perform regular exercise to get your body mass index between 18.5 and 25. If you have been diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes due to polycystic ovary syndrome, which would have to take medication to reduce insulin levels. This could result in ovulation.
If you are not obese or overweight and still not ovulating, your doctor may prescribe fertility drugs such as clomiphene and gonadotropins, which can induce ovulation. He may also prescribe metformin to regulate your menstrual cycle.He also give birth control pills to reduce the symptoms of PCOS that are troubling you. You need to follow up and make sure that the treatment is working. Also monitor the levels of blood sugar and blood pressure.
It will take time for the drugs to work on excessive hair growth.You can ask your doctor will give you a better solution. For acne you can use over the counter medicines to reduce it. You can also use natural ingredients like aloe vera and neem to reduce acne.
You should also consult your doctor laparoscopic ovarian drilling. This is a surgical procedure that can cause ovulation if you have PCOS, but would have to take the general anesthesia for the procedure.
If you feel depressed for PCOS is best to talk with a counselor or a close friend who experienced this condition.
It 'important to remember there is no permanent cure for PCOS. Usually, the symptoms would be treated on the basis of objectives. So if you're trying to conceive, the doctor will try to induce normal ovulation using a wide range of treatment options
Tips to get pregnant, even with PCOS :.
And 'certainly a challenge if you can get pregnant with
PCOS, but there are ways to overcome this challenge. Here are some valuable tips that will help you get pregnant, even if you have been diagnosed with polycystic ovary syndrome.
1. Diet Change:
It 'important to go to a PCOS friendly diet if you want to conceive. This means consuming fresh fruits, whole grains, beans, nuts and fresh vegetables. It also should be looking to reduce the consumption of processed foods and foods high in saturated fat. Avoid consuming meat, cheese, milk and fried food. Reduce the consumption of carbohydrates and sugars, as it will help you lose weight and even put to normalize hormone levels.
2. Exercise:
If you want to reduce the excess pounds that you are carrying and stimulate ovulation, it is best to begin to lead an active life, if you have not been doing. The exercise will also release endorphins, which are feel good hormones. Reduce your stress levels and makes you feel happy. When you lose weight, increase your chances of ovulation and also improve the menstrual cycle. Exercise regularly to normalize insulin levels and glucose and this helps regulate the menstrual cycle.
3. Healthy Lifestyle:
Smoking and drinking with PCOS greatly hinder your pregnancy goals. Stop smoking and reduce alcohol consumption. If you tend to experience recreational drugs, now would be the best time to end this experiment.
4. De-Stress:
You can desire to get pregnant, but your PCOS could be posing a major obstacle in fulfilling this desire. This can cause you to get stressed and anxious about your health. Stress can also trigger PCOS. So, just relax and try to de-stress. Cultivate a hobby or enjoy regular spa treatments to relax and rejuvenate your body and mind. Taking time out from your daily routine can help you relax.
making a few changes in lifestyle and maintaining healthy habits can go a long way when you have PCOS and want to get pregnant. You should also consult a doctor and keep a positive attitude to live. These few steps will help not only to overcome his condition, but also to get pregnant successfully.
Increase your chances of conception
Celebrities such as Victoria Beckham and Emma Thompson have PCOS, but have gone on to enjoy the joys of motherhood. So, there is no reason why you should not be able to conceive because you have PCOS. You can certainly. All you have to do is give yourself a better chance of getting pregnant. Here are some ways to improve your chances of conception.
- Maintain healthy weight by making healthy food choices and exercise regularly. Avoid eating excessive intake of food in the restaurant; festive food homemade and preferably organic, as much as possible.
- invest in an ovulation prediction kit to figure out when you are ovulating, so you can have sex in those days
- Try to make love two to three times a week, regardless of whether you are ovulation or less. This will help keep sperm quality and also do away with stress control for ovulation to make love only when ovulation
- See lovemaking as a way to connect with your partner and do not hold only for the days you are ovulating
ways to prevent PCOS :.
in most cases, PCOS tends to run in families. Although you can not prevent PCOS developing, you can take steps to maintain a healthy weight if there is PCOS in your family. In addition, you should go for regular checkups, especially if you are trying to conceive, so that the condition is diagnosed early and doctors can advise on how to treat it. This will greatly enhance your chances of getting pregnant.
If you have irregular menstrual periods or it turns out that periods disappear for months together, it is best to consult your doctor immediately for a pelvic ultrasound and other tests
The right path :.
- The first thing to do is try and stay soft and relaxed. If you get stressed, you will further hinder your chances of getting pregnant. Also, talk to your gynecologist to start prenatal vitamins. These will increase your health and also increase your chances of fertility. Also, take care of your diet.
- Try to avoid natural and herbal treatments, as it does not go well with fertility drugs that your doctor can put on. Also, educate yourself about your condition and learn how you can increase your chances of getting pregnant with PCOS.
- For many women with PCOS pregnancy can be a long struggle, but that does not mean there is no hope. In fact, there are many stories of women successfully conceive with PCOS, not once but several times. Read these stories in order to have the hope and the strength to fulfill the dream of motherhood. Remember, while there is hope, there is always a way.
- Thanks to modern medicine, these days even women with PCOS can get pregnant and have babies. Just relax and take it one day at a time. You'll be surprised how relaxing and anti-stress yourself, along with regular physical activity and healthy lifestyle can make a big difference to the symptoms of PCOS.
If you do get pregnant with PCOS, you are advised to be vigilant of your health, as you will be at high risk for gestational diabetes, as well as the blood pressure related to pregnancy. Take care of your health and follow your gynecologist instructions of the religious. At the end of those wonderful nine months, you will be able to hold your bundle of joy and it will become a source of inspiration for many other women who are trying to conceive and get pregnant with PCOS.
Good luck!
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I first had symptoms when i was 17 and was told that i had PCOS (thin people type PCOS) and was officially diagnosed at 22 ans now i am 35. I have always had regular periods and unless on birth control pills were they irregular at times and I had a hard time getting pregnant because of the absent periods. I was always told by doctors that I would have a hard time conceiving so I would only go on the pill periodically which i did for more than 4 years, not for protection against getting pregnant, but just to get a period (since I was told it's not healthy to have less than 4 or so periods a year). Last time I went on a 3 month birth control pill and then stopped again because the medicine was not curing my pcos nor making me get pregnant. I went in search for a cure and ended up with so many drugs, medicine and even soaps that didn't work. I actually thought at a point that i was cursed that there is no cure for it, i was prepared to live like that till i read a testimony of a patient who suffered from pcos whose case was even worse than mine and how she was cured completely, I was amazed and at thesame time anxious and curious so i had to contact the doctor with the contact details that she left on the note. The doctor gave me so much hope and confidence with her kind words of encouragement to believe in myself and i was lifted because no one has ever given me hope like that before. I ordered the medicine, took it for 8 weeks and to my complete surprise, all the facial hairs, weight gain and all disappeared within 4 weeks and I ended up getting pregnant within a few weeks of completing the treatment! I was in shock. I think the main reasons it happened was that I never gave up and was ready to try alternative treatment so my body was back to normal. Before now i never enjoyed sex because it was very painful but now i do and my husband is the best thing that ever happened to me.. I hope this inspires some of you because I never in a million years would have thought that I would get pregnant and was getting frustrated and now our baby is due next month! You can reach her on if you find yourself in a similar situation.