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Pregnancy It is the most anticipated and beautiful phase in a woman's life. It is said that giving birth is like a reincarnation of a woman. Everyone wishes for a healthy and safe pregnancy. If you are first pregnant, you need to meet a number of security measures that include the body, diet and outdoor activities.
Top 15 important things about First Time Pregnancy
And 'essential to have a safe pregnancy without complications. To ensure a safe pregnancy must follow some simple steps. Here is a list of 15 things imperatives that you should not miss during pregnancy, especially if you happen to be a first time mom. Following the safety measures will make pregnancy more enjoyable and memorable part of life.
1. The signs that are confirmed pregnant:
In the excitement of conceiving a child, many times, the false symptoms lead to confusion. You should not get carried away by them, but to understand the true signs that indicate that you are pregnant. One way to confirm pregnancy is to conduct a urine test based home using kits available on the market or get a pregnancy test done by a doctor. Second, there are some typical symptoms 1st time during pregnancy, which can ratify the pregnancy as nausea or vomiting, back pain, mood swings, tender swollen breasts, desire for specific foods and missed periods.
E 'is very important to be sure that she is pregnant. If the pregnancy test at home show vague results, you should go to the gynecologist and do tests to be sure that she is pregnant. Sometimes the symptoms can be false alarms.
2. Visits to the doctor for prenatal care are important:
Many couples also visit a doctor before planning a baby to make sure that pregnancy will be healthy and free of complications. Once you confirm your pregnancy, it is extremely important to visit your doctor regularly. It is essential because it can help assess the health of the mother and that of the fetus. Furthermore, it is also necessary to curb any negative development or risk of developing the same phase.
3. Understand Your Family Medical History:
Once you conceive, you should discuss with your mother, grandmother or aunts about their pregnancy. It 'important to understand if there is any genetic problem or birth abnormalities of the family line. Acquiring knowledge of these things you can prepare for any problems and, at the same time, you can do so cautiously that you seek aid necessary to avoid them.
4. The medical tests are Must:
There are some primary evidence that every pregnant woman should take. These tests include urine testing, blood sugar testing, thyroid testing, testing of hepatitis B, etc. as suggested by the doctor to determine any deficiencies or potential risks associated with pregnancy. It is recommended to do these tests in the early stages or, if possible, before you conceive. Sometimes there may be minor ailments that can be easily cured with drugs. Other than the above ultrasonic tests are also conducted by doctors frequently.
There are some vaccinations that are essential for pregnant mothers. There is a myth that vaccinating pregnant mothers can cause health risks for the baby. There is no evidence to show that vaccinations can actually harm your baby. I live attenuated viruses, and live bacterial vaccines are generally contraindicated during pregnancy. The benefits of vaccinating pregnant women OutRide the risk potential when both mother and baby are at risk of developing a life threatening disease.
The vaccine against hepatitis B contains noninfectious HBsAg causing no risk to the fetus. Hepatitis A is inactivated vaccine similar to hepatitis B and is recommended only if there is high risk condition. If the pregnant woman has a high risk of HBV infection, has had more sexual partners, one of which was positive HBsAg, has had a current incidence of drug use and is detected with STD, they should be vaccinated.
The pregnant woman should not be vaccinated with LAIV (type of vaccine against influenza). Only inactivated influenza vaccine should be taken by pregnant women. It 'important to give the influenza virus before the season, because there have been many cases that pregnant women in the second and third trimesters of pregnancy are hospitalized with influenza.
Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) is not recommended for pregnant woman. If the woman is found to be pregnant after the start of vaccination, the remaining three doses should be administered post-partum. If the dose of vaccine was administered during pregnancy, so it is less need to intervene.
measles, mumps, and rubella vaccine (MMR) should not be administered to women known to be pregnant. The woman should be told not to get pregnant for 28 days after vaccination for measles and mumps vaccine or MMR or any vaccine containing measles. Since the effects of the varicella virus are unknown during pregnancy it is best not to vaccinate pregnant women with varicella vaccination.
The doctor must administer Tdap or tetanus, diphtheria and whooping cough between 27 to 36 weeks gestation. If not previously vaccinated, then the woman should be vaccinated in post-partum.
woman of childbearing age in which it confirmed pregnant at the time of MenACWY or MPSV4 vaccination should contact your doctor or the vaccine manufacturer, so they can record the experiences during the vaccination and its effect on pregnancy caused woman.
The Routine vaccines are:
- Hepatitis A
- Hepatitis B
- Human Papillomavirus (HPV)
- Influenza (inactivated)
- 'Influence (LAIV)
- measles, mumps and rubella (MMR)
- meningococcal (MenACWY and MPSV4)
- pneumococcal conjugate (PCV13)
- pneumococcal polysaccharide (PPSV23)
- Polio (IPV)
- tetanus and diphtheria (Td)
- tetanus, diphtheria and whooping cough (Tdap)
- Varicella
- Zoster
5. Search for gestational age:
Pregnancy is divided into three stages each consisting of three months. It consists of the first quarter, second quarter and third quarter. With each passing stage physiological changes occur in the body in the form of hormonal changes, volatility in blood pressure, respiration and metabolism. One should monitor these changes from the beginning of pregnancy to understand the other phases of pregnancy and your progress through them. Apart from that, you need to take the expiration date delivery, which is mainly counted on the basis of the date of your last menstrual cycle. Normally delivery can occur at any time between 37 weeks to 40 weeks
[Check: Pregnancy Due Date Calculator ].
6. Bleeding can occur during pregnancy:
Usually the first sign of pregnancy is considered losing periods. However, many times, there may be bleeding in the early stages of pregnancy. It is sometimes confused with menstrual bleeding. This type of bleeding occurs when the egg moves down the fallopian tube and the uterus, where it implants in the uterine wall. The bleeding which occurs due to the reason mentioned above is known as bleeding or spotting system. The best way to recognize both by its color. It is often found in brown or pink color in contrast to the usual red color of menstrual blood. Although, it is not thought of as a factor to worry about, it is best advised to consult a doctor.
7. How much weight gain is normal?
The majority of women are scared to weight gain caused during their first pregnancy, and are terrified after pregnancy to lose soon. How much weight should you get is decided based on the BMI (Body Mass Index) before pregnancy. If you are already overweight when then conceives it is recommended to put on less weight than someone who is underweight when designing. Above all, we must not forget that it is necessary that the fetus should get nutrients needed to grow and have a healthy development, so to eat the right food and understand the child's needs is necessary.
8. What to eat and what not to eat:
A lot of care must be taken when you are pregnant, especially in terms of diet and nutrition. Along with the regular dose of vitamin supplements and health, you should try to have a nutritious diet, healthy and balanced. Many times a doctor will provide a suitable diet chart according to the needs of the particular body. In addition to this, it is advisable to stay away from alcohol and caffeine products like this can increase the chances of premature birth, birth defects and infant underweight
[Read: first month of pregnancy diet ]
9. the exercise and walking are essential:
Many times because of fatigue and dizziness heard during pregnancy, women avoid exercise and feet. It should be noted that conception is not an excuse for not doing any exercise. Proper exercise and moderate walks are to do for the first time pregnant mom, because it helps to strengthen the muscles and makes her stronger to withstand the pain of pregnancy. So the idea of doing physical exercise is not to reduce the weight, but to keep healthy and active if same. Before starting any exercise, you should invariably check with your doctor.
10. There can be no discomfort during pregnancy:
This is not an easy job to be pregnant. There will be disruption in the pregnancy cycle. Many tasks which previously could be done freely now either banned or would become difficult for you. Some activities, such as standing for long periods, constipation, vomiting and can make you feel miserable. But all in all, discomfort will depend on how you take them. If you accept your discomfort and learn to live with them, you have to reduce anxiety.
11. Travel during pregnancy is possible:
One can argue if you must travel during the first pregnancy. Early on, it seems easy to travel, but during the later stages you should try to avoid or be very cautious traveler. There are many airlines that restrict women travelers who are more than 36 weeks pregnant. But if in any case the race is inevitable, you should first consult your doctor and be aware of any hazards that may be encountered during the journey. Many times, a medical certificate is a prerequisite for travel
Here are some situations in which your doctor may advise you to avoid traveling during early pregnancy :.
- History preterm labor or miscarriage: If you have had a miscarriage in the past or someone in your family experienced miscarriage, you must be very careful. You may not be able to prevent a preterm birth, because it is difficult to detect, but it can definitely provide a healthy and safe pregnancy.
In addition to having a healthy diet and taking pre - maternity wards must limit heavy exercise and stroke during pregnancy. You must meet as often as doctor for a physical examination and tests to see the status of the pregnancy. You need to rest, if you want a healthy baby. You also need to take preventive medications such as weekly shots of a type of progesterone hormone called hydroxyprogestrone caproate (Makena) during the second quarter. Even using vaginal progesterone gel during the second and third trimester of pregnancy can reduce the risk of preterm delivery, especially in women with short cervix. So it is important not to miss your weekly shots and visits to the doctor. So the journey is definitely not on the list
- Multiple pregnancies (twins, triplets or more) :. twins and triplets are usually born early is so important to talk to your doctor midwife on birth options. If you are due to have a multiple pregnancy it is important to pay particular attention. Generally twins and triplets are born before 38 weeks, more than half of all twin pregnancies beyond 37 weeks. Nearly 75% of triplets are born before 35 years.
So, of course, the doctor will say not to travel in this delicate condition during the third quarter. Since you can enter at any time of the work and it is better to take precautionary measures, to stay at home and take the rest of
- High blood pressure :. If you develop high blood pressure or hypertension during pregnancy, it is important that you take precautions and sufficient rest. Since, high blood pressure can cause complications during childbirth. In general, high blood pressure occurs during conception or during pregnancy.
High blood pressure during pregnancy poses several risks such as decreased blood flow to the placenta. Thus the fetus is deprived of oxygen and nutrients needed for development. This is a reason behind low birth weight. High blood pressure can cause detachment of the placenta, or the separation of the placenta from the uterine wall. This is a serious condition because it can cause severe bleeding in the mother and deprive the fetus of oxygen.
A little 'pressure can cause premature birth to avoid all the complications life threatening. If women develop preeclampsia and high in protein in the urine after 20 weeks of pregnancy then there is a high probability that you develop the cardiovascular disease later in life, even if the pressure back to normal after pregnancy.
chronic hypertension generally begins before pregnancy and lasts more than 12 weeks after giving birth. Gestational hypertension develops 20 weeks after pregnancy is diagnosed. It is temporary and disappears after childbirth. Sometimes both chronic and gestational hypertension can cause preeclampsia; it is a serious condition that can cause life threatening complications at birth. If you have headaches, blurred vision, abdominal pain on the right side, sudden weight gain and edema or swelling, or hands and feet it is a sure sign of preeclampsia and needs immediate medical attention. It 'best to take the rest and maintain a calm mind you are suffering from hypertension. Exclude all as rest and maintain good health should be the priority. Travel will tire out and can further complicate situations
- placental abnormalities :. If you are suffering from placental abruption, this means that the placenta detaches from the uterine wall suddenly in danger poses for both the mother and the child
also placenta previa or placenta depressions can block the cervical os .; This is also a serious pregnancy complication that needs to be solved. The woman lives heavy bleeding if you suffer from one placenta praevia or placental attachment. So it's not a wise idea to travel in this delicate condition and themselves subjected to more discomfort. placental disruptions represent a risk to both the fetus and the mother's health, so it is important to stay home and take rest and medication. So you need to focus on the treatment of these conditions
- Gestational diabetes :. If a woman develops diabetes during pregnancy is called gestational diabetes. Nearly 2-10% of pregnant women develop diabetes or high blood sugar.
In general the food we eat is broken down into glucose, the insulin produced by the pancreas helps to utilize glucose as fuel to run the normal body process. If the pancreas does not produce sufficient amounts of glucose or the cells in the body can not respond to insulin and glucose in the body is not used and automatically increases the levels of sugar in the blood. Hormonal changes in the body make the cells less sensitive to insulin, thus increasing the risk of gestational diabetes.
Even if you have not developed gestational diabetes and you have a family history of diabetes then you need to be very careful. Since diabetes during pregnancy can cause birth complications.So avoid traveling if you have gestational diabetes as it is needed enough rest
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- Incompetent cervix :.! There is no definitive cause behind incompetent cervix. It can happen due to uterine or placental abnormalities, extensive cervical biopsy, exposure to the drug DES and the previous childbirth can weaken cervix.A weak cervix increases the risk of complications during childbirth further. It 'important to get immediate medical care and take medications if needed. It 'important to take bed rest if you have incompetent cervix.
Generally incompetent cervix is diagnosed by manual examination or vaginal ultrasound. Almost 20-25% of pregnancy is aborted due to incompetent cervix during the second quarter. If the cervical opening is more than 2.5 cm, and if the length of the cervix has reduced to 20 mm then the doctor will write out as incompetent cervix. The channeling of the cervix is also a sign of incompetent cervix. If you suffer from incompetent cervix will experience heavy discharge and heaviness in the pelvis. This happens when a dilated cervix feels the pressure exerted by the water bag.
A dilated cervix does not cause pain unless there is a break in the membrane which triggers the onset of labor. When the bag of water passes through the birth canal she leans out of the cervix. This was serious and is often undetected until premature birth or birth takes place. So it is best to avoid traveling in the third quarter to reduce the risk of preterm labor and premature birth. It can not actually really prevent, but can guarantee a safe pregnancy by taking adequate rest
- History of bleeding during pregnancy :. Heavy vaginal bleeding may happen during pregnancy. Although spotting is normal in the first quarter, but it is not the same as vaginal bleeding caused due to complications of the placenta and intrauterine birth. If you are already experiencing bleeding during pregnancy will be prudent to drop the idea of a holiday and a long-distance journey
- History of pre-eclampsia or ectopic pregnancy :. If you experience bleeding and discomfort due to preeclampsia and intrauterine or ectopic pregnancy is not safe to travel at all. When the embryo implants itself on the wall of the fallopian tube instead of the uterus or pelvic cavity or the womb, then there is an ectopic pregnancy. Ectopic pregnancy can cause a rupture of the fallopian tube and can be life threatening for both mother and baby.Also if the mother is suffering from preeclampsia along with ectopic pregnancy, then it is a serious condition and in total bed rest is recommended by the doctor to ensure safe delivery. If the woman has already suffered a miscarriage due to an ectopic pregnancy then on the go it is not a good idea.
If none of these complications exist, the doctor could afford to travel during pregnancy. Most of the travel permit physicians in the second quarter, but may request to avoid it in the first and third quarters
. [Read: Travelling during pregnancy ]
12. What place would you like to give birth
You have to plan the post - hospital nursing home, etc. - where you want to give birth. It 'important to choose a place that is best for you and will suit the needs of you and your family. The hospital should be chosen based on the skills of their doctors, their credibility, their visiting hours, hygiene and other factors such as distance and surroundings. Selecting a spot in advance and make visits we should make it comfortable for your D-day.
13. What is the labor pain?
When the due date approaches, there are chances of you going into labor. E 'need to consult your doctor and understand what is' going to work' means exactly. If you know it, then it will be easier for you to manage your work without any difficulty. A quick work sign is - frequent contractions that increase in terms of duration and intensity. Many times, walking is recommended during labor in advance because it makes women feel more at ease.
14. Things Needed for baby should be watched beforehand:
In order to avoid last-minute rush, you should always plan ahead what things it will be necessary after delivery. Few clothes, carpets for children, baby blankets, warm clothing depending on the season and Equipment for feeding the baby should be looked at in advance. This type of shopping can be an enjoyable experience for a mother-being and increases his bond with her baby.
15. Learning and understanding of childhood and parenting:
When you are pregnant, a doctor is the best guide to help you with any concerns you experience with your child . After delivery, a sudden responsibilities of children and parental custody can be difficult for many people. So, you should try to get as much information on the same, through friends, relatives, or reading various books available on the subject in question. All this should be learned in advance so that you are well equipped once the baby is delivered
Important points to remember :.
- to find a good doctor or midwife to make safe delivery.
- you should talk to your doctor as your spouse can help with the work. Even if he can not help him can be at your side to provide support.
- If you have another son or daughter make him feel that he is equally responsible for the brother or sister who is still to come. Even if you have pets, keep them clean and to teach them to behave properly when the baby comes home. Having a pet sitter or dog walker when you are away from home. Your pet should not be ignored.
- we must arrange help in advance, so that there is someone to take care of baby when you are at work or take your rest after childbirth. It 'better to have a close relative, but if that is not possible to organize a night nanny or a babysitter.
- Ask a clear set of guidelines from your doctor or midwife before going into labor.
- Decide in advance who will attend the birth process. A woman as the people around her, while some prefer complete privacy.
- supply of essential elements of the baby before the baby arrives.
- Pack your bag for the hospital if you know you are having a cesarean.
Remember first time pregnancy marks a new chapter in the life of a woman. If you are a first time mother you will be nervous and anxious, this is a common sentiment. A thorough study of the birth process and daily update with your doctor will put you at ease and help you to deal with the delivery with confidence. However, we hope that the above points ease your worries and set yourself on this journey with confidence
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