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A baby is a blessing - there is no denying this fact! Pregnancy is a wonderful journey. But it is fraught with complications. Your body is at its most fragile during pregnancy. While some problems are merely annoying, others can prove to be quite risky.
One of the common problems of pregnancy is gestational diabetes (GD).
The word diabetes may frighten many. But you do not have to have diabetes to get gestational diabetes! Many healthy women end up with GD while they are pregnant. Gestational diabetes during pregnancy can cause many complications and should be treated in time. To learn more about diabetes and pregnancy.
What It causes gestational diabetes during pregnancy?
Many women suffer from diabetes. Whether it is type 1 or type 2, diabetes requires changes in lifestyle. But gestational diabetes is a different ball game altogether. Experts are not yet sure exactly what causes gestational diabetes. But it is useful to understand how the impact your glucose the body during pregnancy.
The food you eat is digested by your body and produces glucose, which enters the bloodstream. This nudges the pancreas into action to make insulin. Insulin is an important hormone that moves the glucose from the bloodstream and in the cells. The cells then use this glucose to make the energy that feeds the body.
But when you are pregnant, things change. Now the placenta enters the scene and starts pumping a number of other hormones. Many of these hormones hinder the work of insulin, which leads to a raised level of glucose in the blood.
In early pregnancy, the change is only minor. But as it progresses, the placenta goes into hyper mode and produce more and more insulin-blocking hormones. When the level of blood sugar through the sign of danger, develops gestational diabetes
Gestational diabetes -.? Who is at risk
Anyone can develop gestational diabetes. But if you fall into one of these categories, they are at increased risk.
1. Age: If you have more than 25 years, gestational diabetes will become a real threat for pregnancy (1)
2 .. History familiar:. If someone in your family has diabetes, you are at increased risk of developing GD (2)
3. Pre-Diabetes :. If you already have high levels of glucose in the blood, though slight, the risk of developing
GD salt manifold (3) 4. GD History: If you were unlucky enough for GD during a past pregnancy, chances are high that you'll get it this time too
5 .. excess weight: If you are overweight or obese, it is more likely to get GD (4).
6. Nativity: Caucasian women are relatively safe from GD. Black women, Hispanics and Asians are at a higher risk of developing gestational diabetes (5)
The symptoms of gestational diabetes during pregnancy :.
So, how do you know if you have gestational diabetes? Check out for the symptoms listed below to get a diagnosis:
- sugar in the urine
- excessive thirst
- frequent urination
- Fatigue
- Nausea
- frequent infections of the bladder, vagina, and skin
- blurred vision
If you experience these symptoms, you should check with your health care provider. In any case, it will be checked for gestational diabetes, as part of your routine pregnancy test
Diagnosis of gestational diabetes.
It 's always best to start early, when it comes to health. If you're trying to have a baby, consult a doctor before conceiving. This will allow your doctor to make sure you are in good shape for the next pregnancy.
Once you are pregnant, your doctor will keep an eye on your sugar levels. Most tests for gestational diabetes were held in the last three months of pregnancy. Some of the tests that are used for the diagnosis of gestational diabetes are:
1. Initial glucose testing Challenge:
This is an unpleasant but important test. For this test, you need to drink a syrupy glucose solution. An hour later, the blood will be tested for the presence of blood sugar. If the test shows that the level of glucose in the blood is higher than normal, it means that you are at risk of developing gestational diabetes. The only way to get 100% the diagnosis is to get a glucose tolerance test
[Read: The tests during pregnancy First trimester ].
2. The glucose tolerance test:
For this test, you must fast during the night. In the morning, you get a test to check the level of sugar in the blood. Then comes another sweet-laced drink even sweeter than the glucose syrup you drank during the first test. Then, the level of blood sugar will be checked every hour for three hours. If two of these tests show higher than normal levels of blood sugar, you'll get a diagnosis of gestational diabetes
Complications with gestational diabetes :.
So, what is it that makes it scary gestational diabetes? For one, there are a number of complications that come with GD. Check complications of diabetes during pregnancy out right here:
1. Excessive weight at birth:
If you have gestational diabetes, the chances are high that your child will be great. This is because the extra glucose in the blood can encourage your child's pancreas to make extra insulin. This extra insulin leads to extra weight of your child. If you are waiting for a vaginal birth, gestational diabetes may play spoilsport. The excessive birth weight more often than not require a caesarean section. Not only! Children born heavily are more likely to be overweight as they grow up too (6).
2. Preterm birth and respiratory distress syndrome:
If you have high levels of blood sugar, you run the risk of preterm delivery. Babies born prematurely are more likely to suffer from breathing problems. If you have gestational diabetes, the child is at higher risk of developing respiratory distress syndrome, even though she was born in time (7).
3. Blood sugar:
Your child may also develop low blood sugar (hypoglycemia) shortly after birth, if you have gestational diabetes. Hypoglycemia can lead to seizures in children (8).
4. Type 2 diabetes:
If you have gestational diabetes, is also putting the child at a higher risk of developing type 2 diabetes later in life. Not only the child, you also are at risk of developing diabetes later in life if you have GD (9).
5. Stillbirth:
If gestational diabetes remains undetected or untreated, can also lead to the death of a child before or shortly after birth (10)
[Read: Causes of stillbirth ]
6. preeclampsia:
preeclampsia is scary. You can put both your life and your baby in danger. If you have GD, you are at higher risk of developing high blood pressure and preeclampsia (11)
Treating gestational diabetes :.
So, have gestational diabetes. Now what? You're stuck with a bad prognosis? Not at all! Gestational diabetes can be managed easily. Here are some of the steps on how to manage gestational diabetes during pregnancy:
1. The monitoring of sugar in the blood:
This is the most important aspect of GD management. If you have gestational diabetes, you will need to control the levels of sugar in the blood of a certain number of times every day. This will help keep levels under control.
In addition to this, the doctor too will keep a close eye on your blood sugar levels throughout pregnancy.
And when the D-day arrives, and it's time to give birth, doctors will be vigilant of your sugar level. Too much sugar, and your baby's pancreas to release insulin and can lead to a dip in its level of sugar in the blood after birth.
But it is not out of the danger zone yet! It 'important to follow your doctor after giving birth. As mentioned before, they are at increased risk for type 2 diabetes, once you get gestational diabetes. So, you'll need to keep in touch with your doctor.
2. Healthy diet:
The food you eat has a huge impact on your health. This is especially true when you have gestational diabetes. If you have GD, you must eat right. A healthy and balanced diet can go a long way in the sugar levels high blood management during pregnancy. You need to gain weight during pregnancy. But if you have GD, your doctor will monitor your weight gain.
The diet for diabetes pregnancy consist of fruits, vegetables and whole grains. A high nutrition, high in fiber, low fat, low calorie diet is the need of the hour. Consult a dietitian if needed,
[Read: diet chart for pregnant women ].
3. Exercise:
so that they are pregnant. That does not mean you can not exercise! When you are pregnant, you need regular exercise to stay fit and healthy. You also need to exercise to manage gestational diabetes. When you work out, your body moves glucose from the blood into cells. In this way the level of blood sugar under control. Exercise also encourages your body to produce less insulin to transport sugar.
And that's not all! Working out during pregnancy also provides relief from back pain, muscle cramps, bloating, constipation and insomnia.
But talk to your doctor before you start working out. Not all exercises are fine during pregnancy. So be careful. Some good exercise options during pregnancy include:
- Cycling - A great exercise of the options, you can cycle around the block or use a stationary bike
- Walking. - A short walk in the park can do wonders for your health. If you can not make time for this, trying to walk home from the bus or walking to the shops
- Swimming -. And 'the growing weight that you're down? And 'normal to feel all heavy and clumsy during pregnancy. Try swimming. Not only keeps you fit but also gives a feeling lightweight
- household chores - .. If nothing seems to work, become more active around the house
[Read: And 'safe to swim during pregnancy ]
4. drugs:
Many times, you will not need medication for the treatment of gestational diabetes. But if the above steps do not work, you may need injections. Your doctor may recommend injections of insulin to lower blood sugar levels in the blood. Some doctors may also prescribe oral medications. Do not worry. Most diabetes drug is absolutely safe during pregnancy.
5. Close monitoring of your baby:
The most important thing, when you are pregnant, it is your health and that of her child. So, your health care provider to keep a close eye on your growing child. This will involve numerous ultrasounds and other tests. Due to the size of your baby is a concern during gestational diabetes, you may be induced if you are unable to go into labor on the due date
Preventing gestational diabetes :.
It may be an old saying, but it's still true! Prevention is better than cure every day. So if you want to make sure that gestational diabetes remains far from you, try the following:
1. Eat healthy:
If you are pregnant or trying to conceive, be sure to eat well. Fill your diet with high-fiber and low-fat (12). That your diet needs is variety. So eat healthy meals without compromising your health.
2. Exercise:
You need to work out to stay fit. Plan an exercise program and stick to it. It is not necessary to go to the gym to keep fit. You can walk, bike, or swim to get the same results. If you do not want to do that too, spend some 'time to do household chores and take the stairs whenever you can. These small steps will go a long way in keeping you healthy.
3. Lose weight before you become pregnant :.
If you are overweight, try to get in shape before groped to get pregnant
4. Be watchful:
If you notice symptoms that point to diabetes, head to the doctor. Even if it is nothing, at least you will not be taking any chances. Better safe than sorry, right?
Pregnancy can be difficult, even more so if you get gestational diabetes. Luckily, gestational diabetes is becoming increasingly treatable today. So if you want to get, do not worry! With some simple steps, you can beat and enjoy your pregnancy to the fullest.
But do not use the Internet as his personal physician. Talk to a real doctor. He is the best person to guide you through your pregnancy.
So eat healthy, work out, and most importantly, have fun! It is going to be a mother. Enjoy the last few months of sleep and food. Once the baby arrives, it will be all about her.
And do not forget to share your experience with us pregnancy. As you are dealing with gestational diabetes during pregnancy? Do you know of any home remedies? Share with us
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