Image: Shutterstock
Pregnancy It is a blessing. E 'to enjoy the time for the creation of a new life. But at the end of the third quarter, most of the women are ready to hold their baby in loving arms! Our bodies can be designed to carry a child, but that does not mean it's all fun and dance. Since the time of birth approaches, our body becomes larger and heavier. The smallest of tasks becomes impossible chores. Sleeping feels like a battle, and kicks to the ribs can be painful.
For women approaching their expiration date, work could not come fast enough. And not to mention the women who are already late! There are, of course, several medical steps can be taken to induce labor. But it will not be better to let nature take its job?
The entire natural childbirth movement is convinced that our bodies instinctively know how the birth without any medical intervention. Now, we do not advocate doing without medical advice. In fact, talk to your doctor is a must before taking any decision regarding the pregnancy.
But there is one thing that you can do to bring on labor without worrying too much. Yes, we are talking about squats and squat as help induce labor here:
[Read: exercises to induce labor ]
The advantages of doing squats to induce travail:
Here Some of the benefits of squats:
1. The American Pregnancy Association recommends squatting during labor. According to them, squatting able to open the pelvic outlet by 10 percent.
2. When you squat to induce labor, it creates more space for the baby to move down the birth canal.
3. Squatting during the third trimester helps to strengthen the muscles of the legs. Strong legs are a must when it comes to work and the final push to give birth.
4. According to a study by Gardosi And coUeagues, squatting, the primitive style, able to reduce the 11 minutes of work time (1)! This is a long time when you are in active labor.
5. Squatting during pregnancy eases constipation and pressure on the pelvic floor -. A blessing during the last weeks of pregnancy
Modern medicine has turned pregnancy into a disease in which women stay connected to the brackets. But a number of studies show that the free movement during labor can make the process of giving the shorter and easier to light (2) .With the gravity at work, your child has a better chance to meet the most quickly.
[Read: Acupressure to induce labor ]
How to squat to induce labor:
Squatting It is one of the most simple exercises you can try during pregnancy. Here is a step by step guide to help you:
1. Stand with your feet shoulder apart.
2. Now lower your body until your side is a few inches above the floor.
3. Take care of your balance during the last weeks of pregnancy. You can take the support of kettlebell or you can even ask the husband of help!
4. Make sure that your heels are on the floor while crouching.
5. Now go back to the original position.
Repeat as many times as you feel comfortable. Just do not push your body beyond the limit
Warning :.
Although squatting to induce labor is harmless in most cases, but you need to keep some points in mind.
If your baby is breach, squatting can prove harmful. This is because her squatting will force down the birth canal without giving her a chance to move into the correct position. So, talk to your doctor to make sure the baby is upside down before trying squatting
[Read: How to induce labor with castor oil ].
It 'also important to discuss other complications with your doctor before taking squats to induce labor.
Squatting is something you can do at any time during pregnancy. In the beginning, it will help you build a strong core to help carry the baby to term, and later will help induce labor. But it depends not only exercise to induce labor, if you are late. Consult your doctor how long you can wait for nature to do its work.
What have you done to bring on labor? It crouched effective? Contact Us
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