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Are expect your baby soon and waiting for him to shower with your love and affection? Are you aware that you can bond with your little one even before arriving in your arms?
Pregnancy can be tiring and stressful, but the joy it brings is beyond comparison. Pregnancy is not only to eat right and exercise to make sure you have a healthy baby. The link to share with your child during the whole period is what makes it memorable.
Contrary to popular belief, breastfeeding is not the only way to strengthen the bond between you and your child. In fact, you can connect effectively with the child even before its birth. Discover some useful tips in this article that will help you build the bond with her unborn child baby.
5 Simple ways on how to bond with your unborn baby:
During pregnancy, you look forward to experience the joy of motherhood. You can start with the bonding session with your child, as you anxiously await his arrival. Here are five easy ways to bond with your unborn child.
1. Talk to your child:
It You may feel a bit 'odd chat with the big belly, but it will work wonders. Research shows that once the child goes through 23 weeks of age, can hear sounds coming from inside and outside your womb. Talking to her baby during this stage can help you become familiar with your voice and ensure its natural attachment to you. He can also pay more attention to your voice after birth
[Read: Because the hiccups in utero ] children.
2. Massage the Bump:
Massage the belly during pregnancy, particularly during the first three months helps to strengthen the bond between you and your child. You can use a moisturizer or a light oil to massage the belly, which may be relaxing for you and your baby. It will also probably help you relax and be more positive about the pregnancy
[Read: breathing techniques during pregnancy ].
3. Practice Yoga Pregnancy:
You can sign up for a yoga class after the first 14 weeks of pregnancy. Pregnancy yoga can help your body prepare for childbirth. You can learn many different positions and breathing techniques that can be helpful during labor. What's more, prenatal yoga, a type of yoga practiced during pregnancy, it helps relax the mind and body and experience oneness with your little
[Read: Test take during pregnancy ].
4. Keep A Handy Scan:
You you may need to undergo scans during pregnancy to keep track of the health and development of your child. A good way to strengthen your bond with the unborn is to have a copy of your scan report somewhere where you can see it often. The sight of that little life that is slowly growing inside you will cheer you and stimulate a good connection between you two.
5. Take a long bath:
Have a nice warm bath is a good way to get your attention to other things and spend some ' quality time for you and your baby. If you are in the second trimester of pregnancy, you may notice a twitch or kicking sensation in the stomach during this time 'alone', that one can have failed to notice the opposite.
[Read: hot water bath during pregnancy ]
The bonding sessions with your baby can also help you beat the pregnancy blues. Just remember the bond between a mother and child is priceless that lasts for a lifetime. Shortly after the baby arrives, the affection that pours over you in his little ways worth every effort you make to bond with him.
If you have any suggestions that have helped to maintain a bond with the unborn baby, do not let you know in the comment box below. We would love to hear what you have to say
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