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The process that began nine months ago, is the end anytime soon. To be excited and happy to be terrified and anxious, you went through a whole range of emotions. The last days are particularly challenging- I would be able to distinguish between real and false contractions? How does it feel inside the work room? How do you know when the water breaks? If these questions are confused, you might want to read our post. Here we look at the changes to week 37 of pregnancy and some tips to help you cope:
37 weeks pregnancy symptoms:
Some of the symptoms occur during the week 37 of pregnancy include:
- Increased Pressure in the lower abdomen
- cervical dilation
- frequency of Braxton Hicks contractions increases
- Discomfort during sleep and pressure around the pelvis
- pronounced changes in the body
- cramps and varicose veins
- bad back and sore legs
[Read: 38th Pregnancy week ]
changes in your body:
Although the textbook definition considers pregnancy between 37 and 40 weeks to be completed, doctors (especially when planning a caesarean) expect pregnancy to continue through week 39. unless there is a medical emergency, requiring early intervention, the child continues to grow and gain weight so far. Here are some of the changes that your body will be submitted to the 37th week of pregnancy:
- Increase in Braxton Hicks contractions
- Cervical Dilation
- Discomfort When Sleep
- distinct changes in the body
- leg cramps and varicose veins
- Baby Hasn 't Engaged
- Low The amniotic fluid
- Vaginal bleeding
- they break the waters
- Baby Leaks Into The meconium amniotic fluid
- display a quiet work and stress
- spend time with your partner
- Giving final touches for baby nursery
- Read on postnatal Care
- believe that nothing will change unless
- Complete your Parental Leave Formalities
- Read on postnatal depression
[Read: 10th month of pregnancy ]
As the body continues to get ready for work, you may notice an increase in the frequency of Braxton Hicks contractions. They are not only frequent, but also more uncomfortable than ever. As the expiration date approaches, these contractions can become rhythmic and painful, often deceiving to believe that you are in labor. These are false contractions, and, unlike the real deal not grow in consistency, nor do they become stronger. But sometimes, the false contractions are difficult to differentiate from labor pain. Rather than relying on self-test, contact your doctor immediately if you have more than four contractions in an hour and if you hit the mark 37- week (1).
By the time you hit the 37-week mark, the doctor may call for a weekly test to look for signs of labor. Some of these include cervical dilatation and effacement. Expansion tells you how far the cervix has dilated- has to open at least 10 cm to allow the baby to pass through the uterus into the birth canal. Also applies to the structure of your cervix- should feel like the inside of the cheeks. Effacement tells the doctor if the cervix is thin enough for the work to begin. It will also check if your baby has moved lower down the basin. There's nothing you can do the dilation or cancellation except look for other signs of labor.
As the baby continues to move down, his head pressed firmly against the pelvis and hips. The enormous pressure around the pelvic area may leave uncomfortable during sleep. A warm bath can relax the muscles and soothe aching back. If sleep continues to elude you, relax, because this is normal. And sleep is must not be taken during the night- a wink whenever you can
[Read: symptoms of false labor ].
is not necessary for someone to say that your body is not the same as it was. The hips are wider, the breasts feel larger, and the belly seems bigger than before. Fortunately, all these changes are temporary. Proper diet and active lifestyle after delivery may help to get your body in shape. You may have also noticed stretch marks on the breasts and stomach. It can not do anything about them until you've delivered. But you can watch your weight because rapid weight gain is one of the causes for stretch marks. The problem is sometimes hereditary. Wait until your body back to its original shape, because these signs fade and become less noticeable.
leg cramps are common during the third trimester when the blood vessels around the legs collapse due to weight gain. Sometimes, an improper diet also causes the leg cramps- eating foods rich in calcium and magnesium. Stretching exercises also help relieve the pain
changes in the child's body to pregnancy Week 37 :.
By 37 weeks of pregnancy, the development process is almost complete, and all that's left for your child to do is to gain weight. His lungs and brains continue to mature. She also throws fluff and vernix. Your child is practicing breathing by inhaling and exhaling amniotic fluid. It can also suck their fingers or blink your eyes. Some children have hiccups in womb- you may notice the distinct jumps within the belly. The child continues to shed fluff and vernix. His digestive system is now fully functional and contains meconium, a substance similar to black-green sticky tar that contains pieces of fluff. Sometimes, (especially in cases of prolonged pregnancy) it is discharged meconium in the amniotic fluid. In such circumstances, the nurse / midwife can monitor the child closely to look for signs of stress for the child
[Read: Pregnancy Calendar | Momjunction ]
Although fetal movements are not regular, are more distinct and stronger than before. By the ninth month, doctors usually recommend pregnant moms to count the number of kicks and report back if the child is unusually quiet. And if your child is 'committed' you may feel a strong hit near your cervix each time you turn your head
size of the baby at 37 weeks :.
What is the child's weight at 37 weeks? Well, the child puts in around half an ounce in weight each day. By the end of pregnancy 37 weeks, it earns about a quarter of a pound and a weight of 2.5 to 3 pounds. It also grows in measures about 50 centimeters in height measured from head to toe.
37 weeks of pregnancy What to expect?
Although the baby usually moves in the upside down position of some in the last quarter, it is not always the case, especially if this is not your first pregnancy. Sometimes, for subsequent pregnancies, the baby can not 'commit' until the work. And even when it does, it is possible that the child has his 'face towards the belly of the mother'. In such circumstances, the doctor may groped to manually rotate the baby's head with your hand into the vagina or forceps to rotate child. When the head is not facing the birth canal, the baby is said to be a breech presentation. Could take different positions, that is frank breech, complete breech, etc. Doctors usually recommend a caesarean section when children remain in the breech position (2).
- Your amniotic fluid continues to rise and reaches its peak by week 38 after which there is a steady decline. But, when the amniotic fluid is reduced to less than 5 centimeters or has a volume less than 500 ml at week 37 of pregnancy, your doctor may indicate that you have low amniotic fluid. ultrasound 37 weeks of pregnancy can help determine the exact situation. Low levels of fluid during early and mid-pregnancy can cause miscarriage or affect the health of your child. But during the third quarter, it is quite common for women to have low levels of amniotic fluid. When that occurs after 37 weeks of pregnancy, your doctor may recommend inducing labor or suggest a caesarean section depending on the position of the baby's birth. Your doctor may monitor the fluid levels closely and also prescribe intravenous rehydration fluid.
- Pregnant women often lose their 'mucus plug' a few weeks before work. You can slide like a lump or as a small download (stained with blood and brown, red, or pink) over several days. It is normal and not a cause for concern. It is normal and not a cause for concern. But vaginal bleeding during the last quarter is uncommon and indicates conditions such as placenta previa, placental abruptions, and Vasa Previa. Whatever the reason, this is not the time for self-diagnosis; contact your doctor or midwife immediately if you notice bleeding.
- The majority of women experience contractions before their water breaks. But sometimes, the amniotic sac may rupture before. When it occurs, usually doctors induce labor. Sometimes, the amniotic fluid flows and, at times, it comes off as a thread. If your water breaks, do not panic and remember to follow your doctor's instructions. It includes the use of absorbent to prevent fluids from wetting the clothes. And the most important instruction of all, contact them promptly
[Read: precautions to be taken when water breaks during pregnancy ].
- Your doctor may have asked to contact them immediately if the amniotic fluid appears greenish or brown. This condition is common in post-term pregnancies and indicates that the baby's gut is mature. It could also indicate that the baby is in distress. When the liquid becomes scarce, meconium can cause serious complications. It is called meconium aspiration syndrome. Children with MAS may develop complications such as pneumonia, pneumothorax and may need assisted ventilation
Tips to face the Week 37 :.
As the expiration date approaches, it is normal to feel restless and anxious about the impending delivery. I can cope with the pain of labor? What I thought when I opted for a natural birth? I can change your mind and opt for a caesarean now? Epidural or not epidural? Ah, the doubts seem endless! Here are some ways to help you cope:
- is not that you can change the shape of things to come, but a mind without stress is an important precursor to no work stress. In addition, it is much better than worrying about work! Handing a single bit 'of time and mentally visualize that your labor is progressing according to plan and with zero complications.
- Between feeding and diaper change, the child is left with very little time and energy to spend time with your partner. Make the most of the time you have with you now-go on a date, watching a movie together, or better yet, organize a passionate encounter with him.
- From arranging toys to purchase a baby monitor, there could be several things still to be ticked off your checklist. Shopping for baby clothes and accessories is perhaps the best way to banish from pregnancy-related anxieties.
- postnatal care refers to health after birth. It 'a crucial period which plays an important role in the health of a woman (and her baby). It 'important that you are aware of things you should and should not do, after the birth of your baby
. [Read: signs of labor ]
Advice for Dads-to-be:
As an expectant father, it is perfectly normal to be overwhelmed. And 'especially true father for the first time who are not used to having children around. Here are some tips to help you face your fears:
- is true, your partner and do not get to spend as much time together as you guys would like. But this is the time where quality takes precedence over quantity. While it is good to have sex now, it is perhaps the last thing on your mind right now (or weeks after birth). You have no choice but to wait until she is in the mood for it.
- You do not want your colleagues to call the office in the middle of paternity leave to check something important. Or you want to return from leave with an extraordinary amount of work? Completed all the formalities, including delivery functions.
- postpartum depression or postpartum depression is a condition that affects women within the first weeks of delivery. Unfortunately, women or do not recognize or do not seek help for the problem.
- The symptoms of depression include extreme irritability, loss of appetite, always full of tears, anxiety and extreme tiredness. Do not ignore any of these symptoms or it could cost you your relationship. Read up on the early signs of postnatal depression, and making sure that help is at hand.
What are your experiences of pregnancy to 37 weeks? Share your experiences or concerns with us here. Leave a comment below
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