picture ?: Shutterstock
What you know you eat grapefruit during pregnancy? Here is a list of things you should be aware of before including grapefruit in your diet. White, pink or ruby red grapefruit are somewhere between a lemon and an orange. It is a storehouse of nutritional health benefiting substances
Grapefruit :.
a citrus fruit by nature, grapefruit is used for several reasons. It is a fruit to eat, you can extract from the peel of grapefruit seed and during pregnancy have a high medicinal value. While some varieties of grapefruit are too tarty some others are succulently sweet.
Medicinal Grapefruit Benefits during pregnancy:
Grapefruit juice can treat the following disorders:
- High cholesterol
- Atherosclerosis
- Psoriasis and
- Obesity
The grapefruit seed extract, when taken orally, is an effective cure to fight infections caused by bacteria, viruses and fungi. The from its peel is used to relieve people from problems of fatigue and hair loss. Also used to treat the common cold, the oil is used in toning the skin and for treating acne
[Read: nutritious fruit to eat during pregnancy ].
nutritional value:
1. One of the richest sources of vitamin C, grapefruit is high in fiber, potassium, pectin, and many other nutrients.
2. Some of its components have high levels of antioxidants. The more mature grapefruit, the highest antioxidant value it possesses.
3. It has high fiber content and a low glycemic load, which makes it a great metabolism booster.
4. It also packs a powerful punch of calcium, vitamin A, and magnesium, thereby contributing to higher levels of energy consumption in our body.
5. These properties allow grapefruit to prevent free radical damage that contributes to inflammation in different parts of the body.
6. The high amount of potassium in grapefruit makes heart-healthy.
7. The citrate in grapefruit binds with calcium in the urine and reduces the amount of available calcium to form calcium oxalate stones. It also adds the acidity of the urine and thus prevents the formation of smaller calcium oxalate.
8. The phytonutrients, limonina, present in fruit reduces tumor growth (1)
[Read: Passion Fruit during pregnancy ].
Grapefruit Pregnancy:
The horde of nutrients in grapefruit makes a welcoming fruit to get pregnant. However, grapefruit bags under the spotlight in this period for an additional reason. And 'enough potential to treat a range of disorders of pregnancy brings with it during several quarters. Find out what they are.
1. Preeclampsia:
high blood pressure and protein in the urine of a pregnant woman after the 20th week of pregnancy is preeclampsia. Preeclampsia can lead to premature separation of the placenta from the uterus before the baby is born, heavy bleeding, rupture of the liver and in rare cases death. Now, this wonderful fruit can do wonders in preeclampsia control to a large extent. Thanks to the good level of potassium and lycopene, which contains (2).
2. Insomnia:
From the early days of pregnancy insomnia can be a constant companion for some women. It will be for the worse especially during the third quarter. Eating a bowl of grapefruit slices before going to bed and you can find an effective solution for insomnia.
3. Heartburn and morning sickness:
Heartburn is a form of indigestion. It is usually the body reflux action when stomach contents back into the esophagus and cause a burning sensation. The size enlarging uterus giving limited space to many other organs in the body can be one of the factors that contribute to this. However, grapefruit has the ability to neutralize the acidity of the stomach and reduce these complications. Similarly eating a grapefruit in the morning can curb the tendency to vomit, the most common form of morning sickness during pregnancy (3).
4. Diabetes and metabolic syndrome:
Gestational diabetes is often associated with increased birth weight in children and other labor complications. Low grapefruit sugar make it a safe fruit consumable pregnant. It also helps to reduce the sweets and starches into the system. The results indicate a significant insulin resistance in the body. Including half a grapefruit before meals has been shown to reduce body weight. (4)
5. Bloating:
The bioflavonoids and vitamin C contained in grapefruit can significantly reduce water retention in pregnant women. Swelling in different parts of the body is common in pregnancy, especially towards the last quarter. Swelling occurs due to water retention in the body
[Read: benefits of vitamin C during pregnancy ].
6. Constipation and hydration:
The high amount of dietary fiber in grapefruit makes a great remedy for constipation. Pregnancy lowers the rate of digestion in the body and constipation is a common disorder. Include in the grapefruit diet to find a definitive solution to the problem of the intestinal tract. It 'important to stay hydrated throughout pregnancy, especially during the summer. Grapefruit has one of all the fruit highest percentages of water (0%) and is full of electrolytes thus becoming a food of excellent healing for both constipation and dehydration.
7. Calcium and Folic Acid:
Even if you forget your daily dose of calcium tablets during pregnancy, grapefruits can replenish the lost nutrients. A single grapefruit provides 2% of the daily dose of calcium. Just like some other melon fruit, banana, strawberry and raspberry, grapefruit also has a significant amount of folic acid can prevent birth defects
side effects to eat grapefruit during pregnancy :.
- Take the grapefruit in moderation as it contains fructose that when consumed in excessive levels can be detrimental to health.
- Check with your doctor before including grapefruit in your diet, if you are under some form of medication. Grapefruit can change the effectiveness of certain drugs.
- grapefruit can cause side effects on people who have kidney disease and gastroesophageal reflux disease GERD.
- In addition, pregnant women who have a history of allergy to citrus may have to stay away from the consumption of grapefruit. (5)
[Read: oranges during pregnancy ]
Healthy Recipe with grapefruit:
You can taste grapefruit with l ' adding a bit 'of fresh cut salads of slices, make a rich smoothie out of it, or even the preparation of a grapefruit grilled.
This is a healthy grapefruit recipe you can try for breakfast and as a snack at any time.
grapefruit, orange and apricot salad:
Image: Shutterstock
- 2 grapefruits
- 4 oranges
- 4 apricots
- 1 tablespoon honey
Method of preparation:
peel, pith and cut away the grapefruits and oranges in a large bowl. Now the stone and slice the apricots and mix with the other fruits. Now pour a little 'honey over it. Garnish with some mint leaves (optional) to add some 'color and serve.
So now you know the grapefruit can do wonders for you during pregnancy. Goodbye to all those disorders of pregnancy with the horde of suitable nutrients this super fruit can offer. Love grapefruit? Can you share one of your favorite grapefruit recipes with us
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