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You we're coming to Super Mom speed. All your discomfort, pain and problems are condensed into a little bundle of joy that will be held in your arms soon enough.
Do not think about labor, delivery dilemmas and horror stories you've heard about pregnancy or childbirth; Instead think about your child and the best way that he or she can love. True are the words of Frank Clark, who said: "A child is born with a need to be loved -. It never gets too big for it"
changes in your body during the 26 weeks of Pregnancy:
As the child relaxes and stretches his limbs inside the womb can feel pain under the ribs. The foot of your child can actually get lodged in the ribs. Your body is able to stretch a lot during pregnancy, but there are certain limits. Your body can not be matched by enthusiasm for the growth and the sparkling spirit of the growing child within your body.
Your uterus is now somewhere around 2 ½ inches above the navel. You have no difficulty in measuring the fundal height more. You may notice a half inch difference every week from now on. Be prepared for your navel showing through clothing, especially if you wear some of those participating.
a. Medium and Statistics:
Now which is approaching the beginning of the third trimester of pregnancy, the general rule is not to get hyper over the medium.
- averages and statistics are intended to provide an idea of what to expect.
- remember every woman and her body is unique that changes in its own way.
- Similarly, the baby's growth, activity, and development will take place in its own unique way as well.
- If you start to worry about the medium, you can never stop.
b. Braxton Hicks :.
You will notice the subtle Braxton Hicks frequently increases
The contractions will feel something like menstrual cramps occur during periods.
c. Preeclampsia:
Your health care provider can bring to your notice a slight increase in blood pressure that is normal after week 24. Unfortunately, it could also be a sign of preeclampsia
- Watch out for preeclampsia -. A serious condition that affects about 5 percent of pregnant women.
- usually begins after 20 weeks of pregnancy.
- The signs of preeclampsia are high blood pressure, protein in the urine abnormalities, liver or kidney problems, persistent headache, or vision changes.
- Though Preeclampsia occurs in late pregnancy (often in the last 3-4 weeks of pregnancy), to keep an eye on your blood pressure and weight gain to be on the safer side.
- Preeclampsia can be life threatening in some cases, if left untreated.
- your doctor may recommend early delivery for you, if the symptoms of preeclampsia is severe and poses health risks to you or your child.
[Read: protein in the urine during pregnancy ]
d. Sciatica:
If you wake up one morning and find a sharp pain in the back, which prevents you from doing normal daily chores; do not hesitate even for a moment blame your sciatica for it.
- The weight of your uterus can get the nerves (pun intended) at times. Your uterus, or indeed the head of your child, it can press against the sciatic nerve, causing severe pain in the lower back, buttocks and legs. This is known as sciatica related to pregnancy, which is another problematic feature of pregnancy
- The sciatic nerve running down your spine and pelvis and thigh area .; then it can cause excruciating pain in one of these areas when pressed from your uterus.
- sciatica often affects both the right or left side of the body.
The symptoms of sciatica-related pregnancy include: ..
- numbness and / or pain in the buttocks
- shooting pain in the lower back part back of the thighs and legs [1945029difficoltà] in bending down.
- raising the pain when you're in sit for a long period of time.
- burning and tingling sensation running down your leg.
- difficulty walking up
- In severe conditions, can extend up to the feet and toes, as well as
[Read: numbness during pregnancy ] ..
Tips to control sciatica during pregnancy:
- gentle massage the sore spot helps
- exercising regularly prevents sciatic pain
- soothing wet heat accompanied by ice packs .. comforts you very much.
- Overeating can add to the sciatica discomfort. Eat smaller portions, and eating a healthy diet.
- Do not sit for a long time.
- Watch your posture, especially when you are on the computer.
- wear flat shoes and comfortable.
- You love your soft bed, but does not help sciatica. Sleep on a hard bed or even the floor, at his side, will bring down the sciatica discomfort
[read: And 'safe to use laptop during pregnancy ] .
and. Other changes:
Some of the past will continue symptoms, while some may begin to heal. At the same time, new symptoms may arise as well.
- Your uterus will heavily on the bladder that makes you run to the bathroom too often. The feeling of wanting to pee May persists even after your visit to the bathroom. Learn to live with it for just a couple more months.
- Since the body has adapted to the changes in place, you can feel the round ligament pain subsidence from now on.
- Your weight gain should be something around 16-23 pounds of 26 weeks of pregnancy. Depending on your body type, weight before pregnancy or exercises; You may be above or below the average score. As stated above, do not get carried away by the medium, you are unique. Also, the weight continues to be modified depending on the amount of water retention in your body.
- you may feel bloated as the swelling in your body, especially the limbs, will continue to bother you.
[Read: swelling during pregnancy ]
- Itchy skin continues to irritate. Keeping the skin well hydrated with a soothing moisturizer.
- You can never be able to sleep peacefully through the night for some time. At present your discomfort related to pregnancy is going to keep you awake. Whereas, after giving birth, it will be wet and hungry child that takes you out of the ground sleeping. Learning to nap whenever you feel like it. The trick is to be on hand in the days ahead.
- Watch out for any signs or symptoms that may be unrelated to pregnancy. Timely medical intervention can save lives as well as that of her baby
[Read: round ligament pain during pregnancy ].
26 weeks pregnancy symptoms at a glance:
Here is the list of the 26 week of pregnancy symptoms:
- Swollen limbs
- Insomnia
- Sciatica
- Constipation
- Fatigue
- Pregnancy brain
- Increase in Braxton Hicks
- frequent urination
- Headache
- stress
- signs of sudden increase in
- itchy skin
- slight increase in blood pressure
changes in your baby during 26 weeks of pregnancy:
the child is enjoying all the activities you can perform in your lap. All its organs like the heart, lungs, digestive system, excretory system, and limb movements you are preparing for survival in the harsh world outside the womb. Every touch, every move and every kick you receive from your child will come as a reassurance that all is well with her.
- Did you know that your child practices also walk in the belly? E 'was observed that the children do imitate the actions as the ride that looks like standing inside the womb.
- Sometimes you may not be able to understand where football comes. It may be rumbling all over the place. It seems as if the child is trying every martial art moves ever known to mankind in there.
- The one that most are those kicks that land on your internal or whether it hurts reaching the ribs.
- When things get too hard to bear, you can very gently trying to push the child away from the point that was it hurts a lot.
- The intricate nerves and tiny ears are maturing rapidly. It will be responding to sounds more consistently than in the past. Look at what you and your partner say about your child. She listens to you.
- Your child can put out his tongue and tease.
- She is getting ready to open their eyes with amazement the wonder that is life.
- swallowing is going at full speed in order to allow not only his digestive and excretory system operation, but also to allow her lungs to mature for breathing. After birth, the amniotic fluid will be replaced by air.
- The fat continues to accumulate under the skin of the baby and she gains weight rapidly.
- The brain continues to mature rapidly. Keep an eye on your diet to help correct the baby's brain development.
- His antibodies are helping to develop a powerful immune system to fight the challenges of the world outside the womb.
- The umbilical cord becomes stronger and more often to integrate all the essential nutrients your little baby is fussy.
- If you are carrying a baby boy, it's time for the testicles to begin the descent to his scrotum, which is a gradual and slow process.
- The spine is becoming stronger as well.
[Read: 7th month of pregnancy diet ]
size of your baby:
your baby will measure about 14 inches (35.6 cm) to 26 of pregnancy. Her weight about 1.6 pounds or 760 grams. For comparison, we can say that has grown to the size of a zucchini or acorn squash
Care and tips for 26 weeks of pregnancy.
If you are not first-time mom, or do you have a responsibility to other family members on the shoulders; putting up your feet and rest can not be an easy choice for you. You may feel torn between the responsibilities and your desire for relaxing and taking it easy.
- Keep in mind that the best of rest, eat and sleep, the better you will be able to give your attention to the family, the care and love -. both physically and mentally
- If you do not rest and eat well, you will be drained and frustrated. That is not going to help you or your family in any way.
- Do not hesitate to get in touch with family and ask for their help. Anyone can help in one way or another. Just try to ask for it.
- If you push too hard, not only will it be hard for you emotionally and physically, but it can harm the fetus as well.
- Let everyone around you know that this is a temporary phase when you need to prioritize your needs and those of your growing baby in the womb.
- Stress during pregnancy should be avoided at all costs. Keep away from stress and the people you stress, even if it means that you seem to be unkind.
- You have a right to be less than perfect during pregnancy.
- and 'OK to order food from when you are too tired to cook, clean or leave a day later, or skip participate in the work of your child without going on a guilt trip.
- People can not read minds, especially men. Tell your partner about your needs, feelings and ask for help when needed.
- If you've been a carer for elderly family members, see if you can find some help for the moment.
- Finally out in your new clothes maternity and start working on your child's room whenever you feel your mood is going on a downslide. This should help
[Trackyourbaby'sgrowth: date of birth Calendar ].
fun activity for the week 26 of pregnancy:
Keep a notebook to track your sleep cycle / your child's waking.
- If you look, you will notice that your child follows being active model and therefore quite regularly.
- you will have an idea of the sleep pattern of your child for the moment he was born.
- Following the model will help her adapt to easily sleep cycle outside of the uterus, thus making his quiet child
[Read: Sleeping positions during pregnancy the second quarter ].
Tips for dad to be:
your partner might have difficulty coping with the changes his body is through. Your love, attention and care can help her deal with these changes more effectively. Show her how much you appreciate for his family made possible. These are the moments in which to show and express your love and appreciation in exaggerated form will help.
Do not forget to share your experiences and points of view about 26 [di1945038] week of pregnancy in the comment box below:
Reference : 1, 2
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