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Are pregnant and preparing for a healthy and nutritious diet? Do you understand the importance of eating well at this stage and wants to give the best for your unborn child?
If you are looking to get the most from what you eat, it's time to move on to some super foods. These superfoods list pregnancy not only help you stay fit and healthy, but also come in handy for your unborn child
Top 10 Superfoods to eat during pregnancy :.
Here is a list of the top ten super foods to eat during pregnancy, you should check out:
1. Dried apricots:
Image: Shutterstock
Dried Apricots are rich sources of dietary fiber. They are also very good sources of soluble fiber. This helps to bind fatty acids in the body and promotes good digestive system. It helps to keep your bowels smooth and regular and prevents constipation. dried apricots contain a high amount of potassium. This is very important to maintain the blood pressure levels and prevent the likelihood of hypertension. dried apricots are also very good sources of iron. This will help prevent any cases of anemia. Anemia often ends up causing complications during pregnancy and childbirth. The beta-carotene content in the dried apricots makes them very good sources of vitamin A. Its antioxidant properties are very important for the health of your eye, for the proper growth of cells and for the regular function of the immune system. [1]
This is a nutritional table to help [2]
[Read: Apricot during pregnancy ].
2. Bananas:
Image: Shutterstock
bananas are rich in their carbohydrate content. This means that you will not feel weak and that your body will have enough energy to help as well as your child through the various stages of pregnancy. They are also very good sources of fiber. This helps to prevent any cases of constipation and keeps bowel movements smooth and even. This will also reduce the chances of any gastrointestinal problems. The high potassium content of bananas keeps your heart health and it works well. Bananas are also very good for the eyes. The vitamin A found in bananas helps to protect your eyes and keep your normal vision. [3]
This is a nutritional table to help [4]
. [Read: Banana is good during pregnancy ]
3. Avocado:
Image: Shutterstock
Avocados contain healthy omega-3 fatty acids. These are very good for the development of the unborn baby's brain. Avocados contain nearly 20 vitamins and minerals. This includes the potassium that maintains the blood pressure under control. Lutein found in avocados is good for the health of your eyes. Folate found in avocados is very important during pregnancy for the repair of cells. The B vitamins avocado prevent chances of infections and diseases. Vitamins C and E and other natural plant chemicals can also help prevent the risk of cancer. This fiber in avocados keeps your bowels regular and smooth digestion. [5]
This is a nutritional table to help [6]
[Read: Benefits of avocados In Pregnancy ].
4. Berries:
Image: Shutterstock
The berries are a great source of carbohydrates, vitamin C, fiber and even fluid. Carbohydrates will give you enough energy to help you stay on your toes during pregnancy. The fiber content will facilitate the stool and prevent constipation. The colored pigments found in berries, like blue, red and purple, are powerful antioxidants. They help reduce the risk of certain cancers, improve urinary tract health, help with healthy aging and also help in memory function. [7]
This is a nutritional table to help [8].
5. Yogurt:
Image : Shutterstock
yogurt contains friendly bacteria known as probiotics. These can help strengthen the immune system and aid in a healthy digestive tract. As yogurt is a dairy product, also it contains animal protein, calcium, potassium, vitamins B12 and B2 and magnesium. Yogurt is also good for people who are lactose intolerant, have diarrhea or constipation, or have a risk of colon cancer. [9]
This is a nutritional table to help [10]
. [Read: The yogurt during pregnancy ]
6. Whole grains:
Image: Shutterstock
whole grains contain fiber that helps with proper motion intestinal and one of the best superfoods to eat during pregnancy. Eating these will also reduce cholesterol levels in the blood and reduce the risk of heart disease, obesity and even diabetes. Whole grains also contain B vitamins, such as niacin, thiamine and riboflavin. These help the body use proteins and release energy from the same. Folate present in whole grains helps the body form red blood cells. The iron present in whole grains will help to carry oxygen around the blood. Magnesium in whole grains helps build bones and helps release energy from muscles. Selenium is found in whole grains will keep your immune system healthy. [11]
This is a nutritional table to help [12].
7. Sweet potatoes:
picture: Shutterstock
sweet potatoes contain a good amount of beta-carotene. This antioxidant reduces the risk of certain cancers. It also helps to protect against asthma and heart disease and can delay aging. Eating sweet potatoes can reduce the occurrence of low level of blood sugar and insulin resistance, especially for those who have diabetes. The sweet potato fiber will keep glucose levels in control and assistance for good bowel function and digestion. [13]
This is a nutritional table to help [14]
[Read: sweet potato during pregnancy ].
8. Broccoli:
Image : Shutterstock
Broccoli helps produce enzymes. These in turn help protect heart blood vessels. They also help to reduce the molecules that damage the heart. eating broccoli can reduce the risk of bladder cancer. It 'also very good for the health of your eyes. Broccoli also has the potential to remove any traces of pollutant substances from the body. [15]
This is a nutritional table to help [15].
9. Beans:
Image : Shutterstock
the beans contain antioxidants like beta-carotene and vitamin A. In addition, beans also contain a mineral called manganese. This directly helps the health of your heart. The omega-3 fatty acids in beans are also good for the heart. The carotenoid and flavonoid beans have anti-inflammatory benefits. [16]
This is a nutritional table to help [17].
10. Eggs:
Image : Shutterstock
the vitamin a in eggs is good for the immune system and eyes. Vitamin B2 in eggs helps the metabolism and is good for the immune system, nervous system and red blood cells. Vitamin E is good for the reproductive system, as well as the nervous system. It keeps muscles healthy too. Folic acid in eggs helps in the formation of blood and tissue growth during pregnancy. Biotin found in eggs is very good for the immune system. Vitamin D found in eggs keeps bones healthy and also helps your body absorb calcium. . [18]
This is a nutritional table to help [19]
[Read: Eating eggs during pregnancy ].
These ten super foods during pregnancy have been shown to be safe. However, to be absolutely safe, it is important to talk to your doctor about all of these and get an approval. Once your doctor advises you to take them to include in your daily diet.
Are you pregnant? You're eating one of these super foods pregnancy? Did you find any improvement in your health? Do not share your experiences with other mothers to help them too
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