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Are We try to add a little 'of variety to your pregnancy diet? Are you bored of drinking milk cows every day and now wants to experiment with the intake of dairy products? Have you considered drinking almond milk during pregnancy?
Almond milk is not a recent discovery. People in the Middle Ages liked their almond milk and preferred to drink to consume cow's milk. But it is almond milk safe for consumption during pregnancy?
When you are pregnant, need to think twice before experimenting with what you eat and drink. So, it makes sense to find out all about almond milk before adding it to your pregnancy diet!
Benefits Consuming almond milk during pregnancy:
If you are looking for reasons for your almond milk consumption, here are some of them:
1. high On Antioxidants:Sponsored
Almond milk contains vitamin E, which has antioxidant properties. It can help prevent oxidative stress that comes with the pregnancy wear (1).
2. It keeps the heart healthy :.
Almond milk contains a high amount of omega-3 fats, which helps keep the heart healthy (2)
3. Rich source of vitamins and minerals:
If you are looking for an alternative to cow's milk, almond milk is a healthy choice. Almond milk is a rich source of essential vitamins and minerals such as: (3)
- football
- The vitamin A
- Vitamin B12
- vitamin D
[Read: which milk is good for pregnant women ]
4. Great option for vegans:
If you are a vegan, almond milk is the drink for you! It contains no animal by-products and fits right in with the Vegan Pregnancy diet.
5. Good for bone health:
The bones need extra power when you are pregnant. That's why you need a calcium rich diet during pregnancy (4). Almond milk is a great source of calcium and help keep bones healthy and strong.
6. Prevent High Blood Pressure:
High blood pressure is a serious concern during pregnancy, as it can lead to preeclampsia. The calcium in milk of almonds can go a long way to keep blood pressure levels under control (5).
7. It helps manage gestational diabetes (GD):
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the prevalence rate of gestational diabetes is approximately 9.2% (6)! If you have gestational diabetes, you should give a try almond milk. It contains 'good' sugar, which does not affect the body adversely and can help you better manage GD
[Read: turmeric milk during pregnancy ].
8. Easy to store:
One of the biggest benefits of almond milk is that you do not have a refrigerator to store it! Unlike cow milk, almond milk has a long duration. If you plan to travel long distance during pregnancy, almond milk is a must carry.
9. Maintains healthy skin:
And 'common to experience skin problems during pregnancy (7). Vitamin E present in almond milk can help cure acne and pigmentation and make skin healthy and radiant.
So those are some of the reasons why the almond milk will make a great addition to your pregnancy diet. But there's more to the story than meets the eye
Side effects of drinking almond milk during pregnancy :!
almond milk and pregnancy do not always go hand hand.Some of reasons why almond milk may not work for you include:
1. A low fat and calories :
almond milk is low in calories, and drinking can make you feel weak during pregnancy. Almond milk is also less fat compared with soy milk
. [Read: And 'safe to drink soy milk during pregnancy ]
2. May cause allergies:
If you are allergic to nuts, almond milk will not be a safe choice for you. You may end up suffering from an allergic reaction, which can be dangerous when you are pregnant.
3. It can damage the thyroid:
Almond is a goitrogen, which means that it can suppress the functioning of the thyroid gland (8). If you are already suffering from a thyroid dysfunction, you should avoid drinking almond milk.
As you can see, the pros of almond milk consumption far outweigh the disadvantages. But talk to your doctor before you start drinking almond milk. If you give a green signal, you can go ahead and make this tasty drink a part of your daily menu!
Have you tried to drink almond milk during pregnancy? Did you have any side effects? Share with us
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