It is sure to get an X-ray Done while you are pregnant?

It is sure to get an X-ray Done while you are pregnant? -
X-Ray While Pregnant

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While is pregnant, one of your biggest concerns is to always make sure that whatever you do is safe and does not affect the unborn child. Whether it's a specific medication that you must take, or an infection that seems to bother you, or even an X-ray that may be required to take, you want to make sure it is safe for the baby.

If your doctor recommends a specific x-ray session, or if you have questions about it, read our post below and learn whether or not it is safe to have an X-ray during pregnancy.

What it is a X-Ray?

An X-ray is a process that uses radiation to create images from inside your body that can help the doctor diagnose and assess an internal condition. It is a painless procedure that a team of specialists or radiology technicians perform. In some cases, other health professionals, such as dentists can perform an X-ray as well.

The amount of radiation that has an X-ray is measured in rads, which is a unit that says what your body will absorb radiation at the time of radiography. It has been shown that it is highly dangerous to expose the fetus to radiation which is more than ten rad. The same can have an extremely negative impact on the overall health of the unborn child and development, including eye problems and learning difficulties. Most of the X-rays are extremely mild, and it is extremely rare for an X-ray to have a rad count of more than five (1).

How much exposure to radiation levels An unborn baby get from An X-ray while Pregnant?

Here a brief look at the various levels of radiation levels that an unborn child may be exposed to through X-rays done during pregnancy. However, it is not typical that your doctor will suggest you to go for the later mentioned X-rays or procedures, unless absolutely necessary, so do not worry:

  • In the case of X-rays, the amount of radiation that can reach the fetus is only about 0.01 millirads.
  • In the case of a chest X-ray, the amount of radiation that can reach the fetus will be about 60 millirads.
  • For an abdominal radiography during pregnancy, the amount of radiation which can reach the unborn child will be about 20 millirads.
  • a computed tomography scan, also known as a CAT scan, will have a much higher amount of radiation, 800 millirads, which can reach the unborn child.

And 'safe to get an X-Ray done while pregnant?

during pregnancy, there are many situations in which your doctor may ask you to go in for an x-ray examination. In most cases, having an x ​​ray during pregnancy is not considered dangerous for your unborn child, depending on which part of the body must be screened during the radiography. Here are some things that you should remember to have an X-ray during pregnancy and whether or not harm your unborn baby:

  • And 'possible that your doctor will ask you to make a x ray of areas such as legs, arms, head, chest, or even the teeth. In this case, as the x-ray it will not be directly affects any of your reproductive organs, not to expose the unborn child for any side effects. Also, you can ask your doctor to give you some safety devices that can help block the effects of x-ray for your reproductive organs or your unborn child, even if it was done on other parts. In some cases, your doctor will give you a lead apron and a collar which will help block all the radiation that can spread to your reproductive organs, and, consequently, to his unborn child.
  • one of the main parts of the body that you do not expose any x-ray is your abdominal area. An x-ray uses radiation to pass through the body to create images of your internal organs. When the abdominal area is exposed to a high dose of radiation that occurs as a result of x-ray, it can lead to many sudden changes in the body. One of the major side effects that can happen in a situation like this is that it can cause a lot of sudden changes in the way the cells of your unborn baby is developing at that stage. These changes in your child's cells unborn can create a lot of development and health problems. The fetus may be at high risk of having several birth defects or certain types of cancers, including leukemia, in subsequent years to life.
  • Another thing you should be aware of is that when you get an X-ray has done in your pelvic area or the abdomen, which is a diagnostic x-ray, the amount of radiation associated with the same will be slightly lower. In such a situation, the risk associated with obtaining a radiograph during pregnancy will not be so high. If you've already done a diagnostic X-ray before you realize that you are pregnant, do not worry as there are supposed to be harmful reactions or side effects to the unborn child.
  • the kind of side effects radiography may or may not have on the unborn child will also depend on what type of x-ray has always done. While some X-rays have a very high amount of radiation involved, there are others who do not have too much radiation and does not cause any harmful effects to the fetus. A dental x-ray is one of these X-rays that do not have too much radiation involved and will not be harmful to the fetus. On the other hand, a real abdominal x-ray will be a much higher risk for your unborn child, as you will have a lot of radiation involved. Other parts of the body that need X-rays that come with a lot of exposure to radiation are the kidneys, lower back, as well as the stomach and pelvis (2).

study to look at the x-ray diagnostic effects On The unborn child:

to understand the effect of diagnostic x-rays on the unborn child Here is a look at a study which it was conducted to check the risks and reality of the same during pregnancy months.

Researchers estimated the dose of radiation that a fetus may receive from various sources. In the case of diagnostic x-ray, it was found that the unborn child would have received a radiation dose that would be less than a mGy in case of imaging takes place over the abdomen or in the pelvic region. The researchers have given their conclusion for a diagnosis X-ray that is done during pregnancy, and which does not entail any direct high-dose exposure to the abdominal or pelvic area. In this case, there are no significant side effects or health problems that can be noted in the unborn child (3).

You should wait to get their X-ray done after the birth of the child Or Go Ahead with it?

  • If you have any medical condition and related health during pregnancy, the doctor will first do a physical examination and refer to other types of medical tests to figure out his best condition. Your doctor will initially always try to reduce exposure to an x-ray procedure, no matter how minimal the risk may be.
  • However, in some cases, it is possible that you are suffering from a condition that can only be properly assessed once an x-ray test is performed. Moreover, it is not correct that sends a course of treatment without really understanding the problem. In some cases, it may be well to postpone treatment until after giving birth to her child.
  • However, remember that there are also cases in which the medical condition you are suffering from May in itself represent a risk to the unborn child, and go for a checkup x -ray is a convenient and comfortable solution. The doctor always before weigh the risks to give you the right treatment, which may also involve the testing of X-rays during pregnancy, as opposed to holding on treatment until after giving birth to her child.
  • In some cases, your doctor may also suggest that instead of going for a regular review of x-ray, you go for a scan test ultrasound instead.

You should go ahead and get a Dental x-Ray if you need while you are pregnant?

While there is almost no radiation to reach its unborn child through a dental x-ray, it is important that you first mention about her pregnancy to your dentist. In most cases, your dentist will ask you to wait until after you have had the baby, and only then go for a dental x-ray.

What are the risks of having various X-ray exposure during pregnancy?

  • The doctor is the best person who can tell you whether or not you are required to move forward with an x-ray while you are pregnant or if you might have expected to have done so after having the child. It 'true that getting an X-ray did not lead to or increase the risk of serious complications of pregnancy such as a miscarriage or cause any other problems with your unborn child. There is also not enough medical research or evidence to prove that going for an X-ray during pregnancy will lead to possible birth defects in the unborn child, such as the difficulty with the mental development and physical growth.
  • However, it is also true that repeated exposure to radiation through x-rays during pregnancy can cause serious damage to the unborn child. Here are some points that you should keep in mind before going for that X-rays during pregnancy.
  • When you go for the repeated X-ray examinations during pregnancy, your unborn child is exposed to a very high level of radiation due to retesting. It can cause a significant amount of damage to the cells of the body of your unborn child. As a result, the unborn child may be at higher risk of getting affected by cancer at some point in life. To reduce the risk of any damage caused to the unborn child, the medical team will always try to keep the amount of radiation from the x-ray from you.
  • when you get an x ​​ray in pregnancy as a unique case, the chances of your unborn child get a higher risk of cancer is very low. The risk, even if it is there, is very low.
  • The typical risk of cancer in children is caused due to several reasons, the exposure to radiation during the period of pregnancy is about 1 in 500.
  • in some cases of X-rays, the X-ray may be required to be taken in such a way that the radiation beam will fall directly on the pelvic area or very close to it. In this case, the dentist will suggest you wait to get the X-ray done until after delivery of the baby. In the event that this is an urgent situation, and your dentist feels that you should not expect to have an X-ray done, you will have to wear a lead apron that will cover the belly and the abdominal and pelvic area, while the x-ray it is to be done.

What if you had an x-Ray without knowing that she is pregnant?

at times, it is possible that you got an X-ray done at a time when you were not even aware that she is pregnant. Of course, you can make you feel extremely worried about what might be the effects of x-ray of the unborn child, especially as the first quarter is considered crucial. Now that you've had your x-ray did not panic and start worrying about it. Remember the following points and remember also the fact that unnecessary worries and stress can also lead to negative effects on the unborn child:

  • Most X-rays that have been performed have a very small dose of radiation, and the possibility that it may have affected your unborn child are almost minimal.
  • In very rare cases, minimal, it may happen that the amount of X-ray radiation can be very high, especially if it is a very serious condition for which the X-ray is It was done in the first place. If this is the situation, there are chances that the fetus may have some or the other health effect of the same.
  • To understand the amount of radiation that your unborn child may have received and the possible effects of the same, you'd better have a word with your doctor about it. Your doctor will be able to guide you on how you can further proceed with treatment and pregnancy.

How can you make sure that you minimize the risk from X-Ray for your future baby?

Here are some things you should keep in mind and discuss with your doctor before getting an x-ray done during pregnancy:

1. Inform the doctor about the state of pregnancy, if has been confirmed, trying O Unsure:

Be sure to always tell your doctor about the state of pregnancy. If you're already pregnant and you're sure about it, do tell your doctor about the same. If you're trying to have a baby and are not yet pregnant, be sure to tell your doctor about it too much. If you are not trying to have a baby but I'm not sure if you are pregnant or not, be sure to discuss the same with your doctor as well. It 'also very important to take the proper precautions, even if already in your first days or weeks of pregnancy. So make sure you give all the right information to the doctor about the state of pregnancy.

2. Make sure you pay attention to any symptoms to see if she is pregnant:

Sometimes, you may feel that you are suffering from a health condition, when in fact you are pregnant without even realizing it. Some of the signs and symptoms of the most common early pregnancy and have tenderness or swelling in the chest, nausea, vomiting, at any time of the day and not necessarily in the morning, as well as excessive and unexplained fatigue. Think and try to realize whether or not you can not be pregnant. Sometimes, it may be too early in your pregnancy for the result to come out as positive in a kit for home pregnancy tests. If you think you have experienced any of the signs and symptoms above, which also corresponds with the pregnancy, your doctor about it. Your doctor may first send for proper pregnancy test to see if you are pregnant or not.

3. Do not make your child sit on your lap for your child's X-Ray:

Sometimes, if you already have a child and was pregnant too, it is possible that instead of having to obtain an X-ray done, it is the child who needs it. While your child may be too young to be alone for an X-ray, be sure to avoid making the child sitting on his lap, while the x-ray was done. It 'also possible that you are still pregnant, but it is still advisable to avoid making your child sitting on his lap, while the child is getting an X-ray taken. The most common reason for doing this is to avoid any possibility of an accidental radiation effect on your reproductive organs, which could lead to birth defects and medical complications in pregnancy later. Ask the medical team to provide a lead apron so you can keep your reproductive organs protected if you have to be close to your baby during radiography.

4. Always inform your doctor if you have recently had any X-ray Done:

Sometimes, the doctor may not be aware that he had already made an X-ray and may end up asking you to go for another one that will be more like an x-ray repetition. While this may not be such a health problem alone, going for X rays repeat during pregnancy is not something you should do. If you had X-rays taken in the last year or so, make sure you keep your doctor informed about everything. The doctor looking through the records and suggest whether the results of the X-rays will be enough or if you need to go for a new one. To make sure that you are aware of all the X-rays you have had done, keep a record and share with your doctor on your next visit.

5. Ask and understand why you need an X-Ray:

E ', of course, that you are very comfortable with the idea of ​​getting a x ray during pregnancy, but the doctor has even asked to go ahead and get it done. Instead of continuing to worry about and add to your stress, ask your doctor why you need an X-ray. As the doctor always weigh the pros and cons of you to ask a control x-rays instead of keeping the treatment until after the baby is born, you will always get a clear picture when asked the reason. Once you know why your doctor is saying the same thing, worry less and be in a better position to go along with any decision that they both take.

And 'understandable that go for an X-ray is not something you want to do during pregnancy, but it can sometimes be the only option. In the event, be sure to talk with your doctor to understand all the pros and cons.

Moms, have you had an x-ray done while you were pregnant or did the doctor is asked to put it on hold until after the baby is born? Do not share your experience here so that other pregnant women are also at ease.


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