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The first week of pregnancy is the most confusing time for all women, in particular, that happen to be mothers first time. Since, it is very difficult to know if you have conceived. There are no major changes in the body to prove that you are pregnant. Even if you miss your period, you can still think it's too late. Many times you try to do home pregnancy test to verify the results. Once you are confirmed pregnant, the journey to motherhood begins
The pregnancy diagnosis :.
The pregnancy diagnosis requires a multifaceted approach. The diagnosis is made by history and conducting a physical examination, laboratory evaluation and ultrasonography.
1. The history and physical examination:
It 'important for the doctor to collect information regarding the last menstrual cycle. The diagnosis will be successful only if the correct information is provided. So, please give all details regarding the onset of the last menstrual cycle, the flow, the duration and frequency. The use of contraceptives and the history of irregular menstrual cycles must be said at the very beginning.
Many women have vaginal bleeding during the first week of pregnancy make a really tough diagnosis. In addition, it is important to control the levels of human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG). Since the chances of miscarriage and ectopic pregnancy are high, the diagnosis should be made thoroughly and carefully. Any errors in diagnosis can be dangerous. So do not hide any information.
The physical and historical examination can also reveal if the woman had manipulation of tubes and tubal disease, tubal ligation, inflammatory disease and ectopic pregnancy in the past. these physical tests also reveal whether the woman used intrauterine devices for contraception and underwent fertility therapies. These days, chemical and ultrasound analysis today helps to detect pregnancy even before symptoms such as nausea starts.
2. Laboratory evaluation:
Some hormones can be measured to diagnose pregnancy. Human chorionic gonadotropin is one of these hormones, is a glycoprotein that bears similarities in structure with follicle stimulating hormone (FSH), luteinizing hormone (LH) and thyrotropin. HCG is composed of alpha and beta subunits. The beta subunits are disintegrated in the kidney by macrophage enzymes to create beta subunit core fragment, this can be detected by examining the urine samples
Generally, 4 main HCG assays are used, they are :. Radioimmunoassay, immunoradiometricassay, immunosorbentassay enzyme-linked (ELISA) and fluoroimmunoassay. urine devices are often used to detect hyper-glycosylated HCG, which is a key molecule in early pregnancy. HCG and dimeric alpha and beta units are produced by the pituitary glands of non-pregnant woman. Although the level of dimer HCG is higher in women after menopause, which is under the sign of sensitivity of the most sensitive clinical tests used to monitor pregnancy. 5% HCG can be detected in women eight days after conception and about 98% on the eleventh day.
The levels of HCG also determine if the woman has an ectopic pregnancy. If the rise and decline of HCG values in women is slow for those who have had an ectopic pregnancy or had a miscarriage. If the HCG levels are very high, there are chances that the woman has a molar pregnancy, chromosomal anomaly and multiple gestations.
Measuring serum progesterone is important to identify the possibility of any early abnormal pregnancy. A dipstick ELISA is effective in determining the level of progesterone.
factor of early pregnancy is an immunosuppressive protein that was isolated soon after conception and helps to indicate fertilization. It can be detected 36-48 hours after fertilization levels and shoot in the first quarter. EPF is used to determine the success rate of transfers of embryos in vitro in-fertilization. EPF can not be detected after delivery or in the case of ectopic pregnancy.
3. Ultrasound:
The discovery of transvaginal ultrasound (TVU) made the disclosure even more easy and effective pregnancy. And 'the best method for detecting intrauterine pregnancy and gestational age which usually occurs during the first trimester. Vaginal probes are effective abdominal probes, since the frequency is increased and the image resolution is better.
[Read: How to confirm the pregnancy without Test ]
The development of the child, tips, body changes and symptoms of pregnancy to 1 week:
There is not much difference in the mother's body during the 1st week of pregnancy. Actually the mom to be not aware of his new status for a further 3-4 weeks, as that is when she will miss her period.
- Although there are no major changes in the physical appearance, the woman might face gastric problems, constipation and other digestive disorders.
- Nausea or morning sickness you start to worry about often. It tends to run in most often in the bathroom. However, the signs of pregnancy in the first week vary from person to person.
- Other symptoms of pregnancy in the first week are mood swings, breast tenderness, fatigue and hormonal changes.
During the first week of pregnancy, the egg leaves the ovary and reach the fallopian tube. Not exactly pregnant at this time, since the conception takes place just two weeks after the last menstrual cycle. So it is important to give details of the last menstrual period to calculate the expected expiration date.
Once fertilization occurs the cells start to divide. The first week the fetus is defined as a blastocyst. The outer part of the blastocyst will become the placenta, and the inner part of the blastocyst becomes the embryo during the second week of pregnancy. If more than a fertilized egg is released, and then form more zygotes. Zygotes have chromosomes that determine the color of the baby's skin, eye color, hair color, height, characteristics and personality traits.
What we consider the first week of pregnancy is the preparation of the uterus for pregnancy. Many doctors call it as a 'get out of jail free week.'This is the most confusing moment, some women may think that they are pregnant, but the results may show negative results. Do not lose heart! You will get a much better chance of getting pregnant. It goes through the joy and anticipation at the same time
Calculate dates for pregnant :!
The days of pregnancy is calculated from the first day of the last menstrual period (LMP) and not from the day actually happened fertilization; because, by convention, menstrual cycles are counted from the first day of menstrual bleeding.
The medical term for this is NMP, which means last normal menstrual period. The so calculated fetal age is known as gestational age. This is a convenient way to keep track as it is not easy to detect or recognize when pregnancy occurs in reality.
- Even in the case of IVF pregnancy, the gestational age of the embryo is calculated by adding 14 days from the day of oocyte retrieval.
- If a woman has a regular menstrual cycle, conception usually occurs about 11-21 days after the first day of the last period.
- If you have irregular menstrual periods or can not remember the first day of your last menstrual period, can be difficult to determine the gestational age of the baby.
Later in the pregnancy the doctor may use an ultrasound to determine gestational age. That it becomes difficult in cases where the child is unusually large or small. So, keep track of your menstrual cycle, if you want to know the exact period of the pregnancy gestation
The process of ovulation.
When the egg is released, the remains of the follicle in the ovary around the corpus luteum, which is a temporary endocrine structure in the body of the women who is involved in the production of relatively high levels of progesterone and levels moderate estradiol and inhibin A. This plays an important role in influencing the endometrium or uterine lining to be ready for the implantation potential of an embryo in the case in which the pregnancy occurs.
once ovulation occurs, the fertilization must occur within 24 hours, as the egg does not have the longest life. The egg will be engaged in an adventurous journey down the fallopian tube to meet the one million lucky sperm that fertilize it. If fertilization occurs the same egg will implant in the uterine wall thickened. In the event that fertilization does not occur, the egg will be discarded
Two weeks after ovulation, the corpus luteum will cease to be, leading to a sharp decline in female hormones -. Progesterone and estrogen. With the drop in hormone levels, the uterus receives the message that it is not necessary to feed the fertilized egg, then he begins to shed its lining, which comes out as bleeding during the menstrual cycle.
diet for the first week of pregnancy:
It 's very important to take care of your health during pregnancy. In the first week it will experience morning sickness and your appetite will be down. Try to drink plenty of water and other fluids to prevent dehydration. Also eat smaller meals at intervals.
When the nausea ceases and you feel better try to have a proper meal. Eating fresh fruits and vegetables, starchy foods such as rice and chapatis, whole wheat bread, pasta, baked potatoes or boiled, lean meats, eggs, chicken, beans and soy. It 'important to include milk and dairy products such as cottage cheese, cheese and plain yogurt into your diet. Since calcium is essential for you and your baby's growth.
Take 400 to 800 micrograms of folic acid each day as it will lower the risk of certain birth defects of the brain and spine, including spina bifida in the baby. You can also eat folate-rich foods such as green leafy vegetables, dried fruits and nuts and breakfast cereals, such as oats and cereals. Avoid alcohol and junk food completely
Taking care of your health before pregnancy :.
You should take care of your health before planning for conception. Even if you do not plan pregnancy, it is best to be prepared for unplanned pregnancy if you are sexually active.
- exercise, eat healthy foods, keep your mind free of clutter and give up bad habits. If you have been procrastinating doing this, here it is the right motivation for you.
- The doctor can help by prescribing prenatal vitamins that contain high amounts of folic acid, which will greatly benefit both you and your child.
- Give up unhealthy habits of drinking alcohol and smoking, as it can contribute to infertility. In addition, it can also cause problems for you and your baby in the first week of pregnancy
factors influencing the likelihood of pregnancy :.
There are not many other factors that affect the chances of getting pregnant. If you do not plan properly for pregnancy, you can get very frustrating, month after month for you. For a healthy couple, who have sex regularly, the chances of pregnancy are somewhere between 15-25% per menstrual cycle. Even that fraction gambling is influenced by many other factors, such as the following:
- Irregularities in periods adds to your woes calculating when ovulation occurs. This is often the result of a hormonal imbalance. As the egg has a short life, have sex during ovulation is important for fertilization to take place.
- The chances of pregnancy begin to decrease once you cross the mark of 30 plus. With age, the chances of pregnancy continue to decline, with a steep descent that takes place once you reach your 40 years. The age factor also affects the health of both mother-to-be and the baby. Having a child is a personal choice of the couple. The decision to have children also depends on the financial situation and the couple's physical. However, delay is not a wise idea because age affects fertility. With age the number and quality of eggs produced by the ovaries decreases. Even diseases such as endometriosis, fibroids and polyps that come with age decreases the chances of conceiving. There is an increased risk of ectopic pregnancy and miscarriage. If delivery takes place the child may have low birth weight, and non-genetic chromosomal abnormalities abnormalities. With age the risk of birth complications such as preeclampsia, placental complications and increases intrauterine restriction.
- Some illnesses and diseases, particularly those affecting the reproductive organs can prevent you from getting pregnant. Having an auto-immune disease, lupus, diabetes, thyroid disease, or rheumatoid arthritis can interfere with fertility.
- If you have been trying to conceive for over a year without any positive results, it is time to consult a doctor. Check fertility in your partner and, as both are equally responsible for the birth of a child.
- Being overweight or underweight affects the possibility of largely pregnancy. If you have the body fat, which is 10-15% above normal levels, the body is able to produce more estrogen, which will throw the reproductive cycle out of balance. Similarly, the low levels of fat can reduce the entire reproductive process.
- Avoid drugs such as antidepressants, antibiotics, painkillers and other drugs that are used for the treatment of chronic diseases, as they can cause temporary infertility. Consult your doctor for more information.
- Studies have shown that women who are exposed to an occupation that involves high levels of stress, temperature extremes, radiation, harmful emissions have developed fertility problems.
- Avoid lubricants and oral sex, since saliva and lubricants may be harmful to the commercially available lubricants sperm.The damage sperm and affect the movement of sperm. Most sperm move in a forward direction and the mucosa of the woman is enough to help the movement of sperm cells
Preparing for pregnancy :.
Get ready both mentally and physically for pregnancy. Let the experience be a memorable rather than chaotic and frightening.
- Stop the birth control a couple of months before you plan to start trying, so that you understand the nature of your operation of menstruation.Birth control pills change hormonal secretions; so it is wise to give time for the hormones to fall back to their normal levels before planning conception.If you were using birth control pills, give a gap before trying for pregnancy. Since birth control pills cause hormonal changes in the body and it takes time for the hormones to bounce back to normal.
- You can try to get pregnant after birth control pills interruption, but make sure your body is in the normal mode. Since the purpose of having the pill is to prevent ovulation, once you stop taking pills and give your body a little 'rest so the hormones start to work again, ovulation will begin again. You can follow the advice of the doctor regarding the birth control pill, he will be able to guide you better.
- Do not assume you're pregnant, because the disappointment in this case can be painful for both partners. There are a wide range of pregnancy test kits available in the markets that are fairly easy to understand and use. All you have to do is collect the urine and follow the kit instructions. If you test positive, you can always check with your doctor.
- Good preconception care is available for women these days, you can improve your chances of getting pregnant, having a healthy pregnancy and a child's ticket. If you opt for preconception care, to start at least three months before you actually plan to conceive. Include your partner in this process because even though he can not bring your child how to do it, his physical and mental health is just as important for you and your unborn baby.
- It 'important to tell your doctor about the history of the family of both partners before pregnancy, as it can shed light on the genetic risks that can lead to the child. Some couples may have to go through genetic counseling to understand the risk they carry.
- Please feel free to discuss with your doctor any concerns or doubts that arise in your mind regarding pregnancy.
- that is pregnant will lead to mixed feelings of excitement, anticipation, fear, anxiety, trepidation and apprehension as well. You end up wondering whether you will be a responsible mom and will be able to take care of the child properly. Suddenly, you can not be so sure of yourself.
The news of the pregnancy evokes mixed reactions. Although pregnancy is like a bumpy ride, you will be rewarded at the end. When you hold your bundle of joy in your arms you feel that all the pain was worth it. The time 40 weeks will be hard, but try to be positive. All the anxiety, doubt and fear are not just you; They are an integral part of pregnancy and parenting.
Knowing what's coming will keep you mentally prepared and also increase the level of trust. Involve your partner in the process of pregnancy, so that he does not feel left out of the important phase of your life. This will also help him prove to be an equal partner for your journey to parenthood and then as a responsible parent in bringing your child.Have a happy pregnancy!
I hope you enjoy our posts about pregnancy symptoms at 1 week and will pay close attention to these tips when you start observing the first week of pregnancy symptoms. Have a healthy and happy pregnancy
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