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Do They are experiencing intense back pain during your last trimester of pregnancy? Is your gynecologist diagnosed you with work back? If yes, you can relate to the following post.
The intense pain in the back makes for unbearable circumstances. Most women are not aware of the causes, symptoms and effective preventive measures to get rid of the work back. So, read our post here and educate yourself.
What is Back Jobs Like?
The intense pain and discomfort that often experience lower back is back working. It occurs due to abnormal positioning of the baby. In addition, the pain becomes unbearable during contractions
The painful condition leads to an irregular contraction pattern and extends the boost phase (1)
[Read: Pain Jobs management techniques ]
What Causes Back Work?
The most common cause of the new work is the abnormal positioning of the baby. In most cases, children 'face pointing towards the mothers back. This position is favorable for the mother and the smooth delivery. The position is known as the front position to the occiput.
But when the child is in front of the abdomen, can induce an additional pressure on the sacrum (tailbone). This is the occiput posterior position. It elevates the status of the new job in pregnant mothers. As the baby's skull bone occiputal aligns pointing it at the back of the pelvis of the mother, increases the intense discomfort discomfort during labor
[Read: different positions of the child during birth ]
Back symptoms of work:
Some of the symptoms of the new job include:
- mothers with new job they are prone to encounter slow the progress of labor.
- With the baby placed at the back position, you are required to enter the job, after its expiration date.
- mothers with rear children can not feel the contractions even after the water breaks. Irregular labor contraction is a common sign back labor.
- It it is common for a child back to take more time to get placed in the womb. The mother needs to devote more time to push work
How To Get Back relief work
There are two basic approaches to deal with the pain of labor back:.?
- Apply effective techniques to change the position of the fetus.
- Assist the working mom with adequate comfort measures
[Read: relaxation and breathing techniques during labor ].
5 techniques to improve the fetal position and get relief from back work :.
different exercise techniques such as squats, walk, and pelvic tilts can help improve the fetal position and reduce the complexity of the work
- squatting :. the effective exercise squatting position during the first and second stages of labor help open the pelvic outlet and improve the regular rotation of the fetus
- Sitting On A Ball birth: Exercises like sitting on the birth ball can help in swaying the pelvic region and helps to bring the child down
- pelvic tilt :. is different. forms of pelvic hip movements as hula hoop, rocking or swaying the fetus starts to move toward the birth canal
- Getting Down on hands and knees: This You can get down on your hands and knees on a flat surface such as the floor or bed. The posture helps in fetal movements, and the child can rotate the end
- Strong Against Pressure :. With the application of a strong counter pressure on the back, you may be able to get relief (2).
With proper knowledge of these effective techniques, working mothers can get relief from the stressful condition of the new job.
you have tried the new work during pregnancy? As you are dealing with this painful situation
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