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Technically They are reaching a major milestone of the pregnancy, as we enter week 12. This will be the last week of the first quarter. From next week, you will enter a second quarter less stressful, which is known as the period of the pregnancy honeymoon. Now the child is done with almost all the critical growth and has taken great strides in the growth and development area. No more hiding the good news from friends and family there, since pregnancy is not only safe, but the baby is safe and secure. The chances of miscarriage drop drastically in the second quarter. Your baby has developed almost all the major organs and the placenta takes care of all his needs. All you need to do is exercise, eating a healthy diet and stay mentally fit to ensure proper growth in your womb
. [Read: How to sleep during Second quarter ]
changes in your Body:
In 12 [di1945024] week of pregnancy,
- your waistline is the thickening and you can not get into your tight fitting clothes anymore. It 'time to go out shopping for your maternity. Just to feel good, you can include handbags and shoes to your list, even if it has nothing to do with the size.
- Your uterus has grown and now can be heard above the pubic bone.
- While many of the terrible symptoms of recent weeks have subsided by now, you still have to deal with heartburn. The condition is also referred to as acid indigestion, it sends a feeling of burning his throat dramatically from the bottom of your sternum. You will once again blaming the hormones for this discomfort. If you are lucky, you will be spared the trouble until the pregnancy later, when the large size of the uterus makes the inevitable condition.
- The swollen waves of hormones that caused both emotional and physical disorders in you are now starting to calm down. Do not worry if you are still experiencing the effects thereof, the calming down will happen soon enough.
- Unfortunately, although some of the symptoms are coming down, headaches and dizziness are moving up the ladder. The frequency and the intensity of these symptoms may increase this week onwards.
- You will also find increased vaginal discharge. This is the natural way of the body you the protection from infection.
Other symptoms that may affect when you are 12 weeks pregnant are:
- Dehydration
- Stress and anxiety
- drop in blood sugar levels
- Vision disorder
Now that you are aware of the symptoms. Learn what to do if symptoms persist these 12 weeks of pregnancy. If the pregnancy symptoms persist together with a little 'of spotting or bleeding, consult your doctor to rule out a molar pregnancy. When something goes wrong during the process of fertilization, it creates anomalies in the cell growing out of the placenta. If left untreated molar pregnancy also known as hydatiform mole can be life threatening for pregnant woman. Although they are benign they can spread beyond the uterus. Do not panic at the first feeling you get of persistent symptoms. Mole pregnancy is very rare, whereas the continuation of symptoms is not an uncommon occurrence. Every woman has a different frequency, duration and intensity of the symptoms of pregnancy. This is the time to get your genetic testing done to determine the risk of birth defects. As a mother, it is natural for you to feel scared and confused about this procedure. Do not hesitate to ask questions to your doctor
chorionic villus sampling (CVS) :.
CVS is a very important diagnostic test, especially for those who are at higher risk of genetic abnormalities in the fetus. Although CVS is primarily associated with the test for Down's syndrome, it is able to detect more than 0 other disorders as well. CVS test done by collecting cells from the placenta through testing transcervical or transabdominal tests. In the transcervical test, the doctor driving a thin catheter through the cervix to the placenta. The chorionic villi cells are gently aspirated into the catheter. In transabdominal tests, the doctor guide a long, thin needle through the abdomen to the placenta with the help of an ultrasound. The tissue sample is aspirated the needle before pulling out.
1. The test is important in cases where :.
- The age of the pregnant woman is above 35.
- screen results showed some form of abnormality
- there is an increase nuchal translucency ultrasound findings or similar.
- the presence of chromosomal abnormalities or other genetic disorders of family history.
- The parents were identified as carriers of a genetic disorder.
CVS is extremely important as it identifies chromosomal abnormalities and genetic diseases with high levels of accuracy of about 98-99%. Unfortunately, it is not able to identify the severity of these disorders, nor identify neural tube defects.
2. Do not go for the CVS test if:
- Have an active infection (ie STD)
- You are carrying twins
- Have you experienced during vaginal bleeding .. pregnancy.
Contact your doctor immediately if you have any doubts you have an infection, spotting, cramping or pain after the CVS test was done.
Prevention and treatment of UTI in 12th week of pregnancy
At week 11, we spoke of UTI during pregnancy. This week we will discuss about the prevention and treatment of infection of the urinary tract, especially during pregnancy. Prevention:
- Nothing you do can promise a 100% protection from UTI, but it certainly can not drop her risk largely on whether you stick to the following tips: ..
- Try to avoid refined foods, caffeine, alcohol and sugar (in whatever form) in your regular diet
- Drink plenty of water to flush toxins
- fresh and unsweetened cranberry juice is good for your health, as well as in the prevention of UTI.
- If you have sex, urinate before and after intercourse.
- Try to completely empty the bladder during urination.
- do not miss to take supplements of vitamin C, beta-carotene and zinc.
- If you have mild UTI, avoid sex as it may aggravate the condition.
- not use Douches, creams or sprays in your vagina during pregnancy. It can not only cause the infection, but it can be harmful to the baby as well.
- Wash your genitals and keep them clean.
- Do not rub your genitals to dry. Pat dry with a soft cloth.
- use, soft, clean cotton panties. regularly change.
- Even if a hot water bath is refreshing, do not sit in the bath for a long period of time. Get out of there in 30 minutes.
Treating UTI:
- If detected in time, UTI does not pose any harm to you or your child. It can be treated safely with antibiotics that are safe during the 12 weeks of pregnancy. Do not opt for over the counter medicines or antibiotics. Consult your doctor and go with prescribed medications. The course usually lasts for 3-7 days.
- The symptoms you should look out for include-
- Chills
- Fever
- persistent pain in the lower abdomen.
- Nausea and vomiting (not related to morning sickness).
- The contractions
- Burning sensation during urination.
changes in your child:
Just a few weeks ago, the child was a mass of cells called a zygote. Today, it has developed into a full run to be with facial features, limbs, head and all the essential human organs. She is developing reflexes necessary for its survival. Although you may not feel its movements in your abdomen, knowing that she will break free and move away when the belly is encouraged. Most of the bodies are in place, if they need to mature before becoming fully functional. Some of the important developments seen in your child by the end of the first quarter include-
- the face becomes more human as the eyes and ears to be placed appropriately. Its features such as the lips and eyebrows will be in focus.
- rooms The heart has developed and pump blood into his tiny body and limbs. Beats twice to the rhythm of the heartbeat; ie about 0 beats per minute.
- The gut needs to mature but have room to move in the abdomen now. The digestive system in your child is beginning to prepare for eating and pooping practicing contraction movements in his little belly.
- Its nerve cells have multiplied rapidly in recent weeks that form the essential neurological connections her brain known as synapses.
- the child responds to external stimuli.
- white bloods cells are produced by bone marrow to make her immune to infection. She is not going to be protected from your breast safe forever and needs its own defense system.
- The reproductive hormones (yes you heard right) are produced by the pituitary gland, although it will not be necessary for another decade or two.
- The bay is closing his fingers, curling his toes and is able to move the eye muscles. The mouth can make sucking movements.
- The nails on the fingers and toes become visible.
- The umbilical cord and placenta are developed and working effectively.
- The liver is already making bile.
- The kidneys have begun to secrete urine in small bladder.
- The genitals have begun to develop, but it is still too early to know if the baby is a boy or a girl.
Do you have a small child, sucking and kicking around in your lap. The feeling should make you feel so great
your child's size:
She is the size of a large plum time and measuring 5.2 to 5.6 centimeters ( about 2 inches) long in the CRL (crown-rump length) and weighs 12-16 grams, which is almost half ounce
Care and tips for 12 weeks Pregnancy:.
- Take care of your back and body with the adoption of proper posture. Feel free to use the support pillows to help your lower back. If you have a desk job, make sure that you sit comfortably, preferably on an ergonomic chair. Walk around your office or home every now and then to relax the muscles. Wear comfortable clothes and shoes.
- Do not ever groped to lift heavy things, especially in the wrong way, which can aggravate your back problems. If you have to take something very important, squat down to lift the object rather than bend down to do it. In this way, the weight is felt by the legs and not the back.
- If you feel a bit 'low or tired, go for a good body massage and relaxing bath. Get professional masseur or ask your partner to help with the massage. Opting for a foot massage your neck and can make you feel pampered and calm frazzled nerves.
- start eating healthier now that morning sickness is coming down. Check out the list of food that is good for your baby and you.
- You can be bothered with the patches, freckles and acnes that appear on the skin. Under normal conditions it can treat this condition with large doses of vitamin A. Although vitamin A fresh sounds, it is a dangerous, especially during pregnancy. Test applications based on natural herbs always instead- after the advice of your document.
- There is nothing wrong with a pregnant woman to ask for help. After all, the priority must be the safety of your child
[Read: date of birth Calendar | Momjunction ]
to be Dad Tips:
You should be happy that the roller coaster ride of emotions and other symptoms related to pregnancy are coming down. The second quarter will be a much easier time for you and your partner. If you survived the first quarter, the second quarter is going to be a piece of cake. Some husbands have been in the bad books of their wives, making simple mistakes during pregnancy. No need to be one of them
Check out the following Don'ts to avoid conflicts.
- Ask her if breakfast is ready, as it's getting late for your office when she is throwing out his bowels to the bathroom.
- say that his frequent visits to the toilet disturbs sleep.
- stop her from eating those extra scoop of ice cream.
- talk about her lost shape after childbirth.
- Ask her to find the keys, socks or files.
she may have done this religiously for you in the past, but with its current status, those simple phrases seem blasphemous to his ears. Stay clear when in a bad mood. Finally, enjoy this bittersweet period of pregnancy, and I know that when this all ends, there will be quite a small child in her arms
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